Australia India Business Council

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India and Australia recognized the huge trade potential that existed between the two countries and so to encourage it Australia India Business Council (AIBC) was formed in 1986. The Australia India Business Council was formed by the Prime Ministers of both the countries at that time who were Mr. Rajiv Gandhi of India and Mr. Hawke of Australia.

The Australia India Business Council is the lone Australian national association whose only function is to increase bilateral trade between India and Australia. It is recognized by the governments at various levels that is the National, State, and Territory level. The Australia India Business Council is the first point of contact where the government and business representatives from both the countries who are seeking access to business, industry, and government leaders in the other country come to.

The mission of Australia India Business Council is to build stronger ties between India and Australia for the benefit of the two countries and its members. And it has been successful to a large extend for the bilateral trade between India and Australia was A$ 3.23 billion in the year 2001. The amount of total trade increased by A$ 667.1 million (23.4%) in comparsion to the previous year. As a result there is being seen an unparalled interest in India by the Australian business community which has resulted in Australia India Business Council to grow 10- fold since 2000.

The membership to Australia Indian Business Council is open to private and public sector organisations from government agencies and large organisations to medium and small enterprises as well as students and individual professionals. The membership fees of Australia India Business Council is affordable and the benefits are well above the fees paid. There are 4 important events in the yearly calendar of every state chapter of the Australia India Business Council which are as follows:

  • KPMG Thought Leadership Address and Indian Economic Update - In this event all the latest changes in the Indian business environment and government policy is highlighted. A detailed update is provided by the KPMG experts which might be of interest to the Australian businessmen.

  • Ernst and Young Indian Economic Update and Budget Analysis - This event is held in March every year in which experts from the Ernst and Young make a detailed analysis of the Indian budget.

  • The Accor Qantas Inida Australia Address - This is the most important event in the Australia India Business Council calendar in which the speakers include the Australian Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition as well as the Trade Minister.

  • Year-end Event -In this event which is held in October/ November the most important Indian festival Diwali is celebrated.

Though much progress has been made by Australia India Business Council there is still a lot of scope for improvement.