Tax Account Number (TAN) is a 10 digit alpha numeric number required to be obtained by all persons from Income Tax Department who are responsible for deducting or collecting tax. It is compulsory to cite TAN on all TDS (Tax Deduction at Source) returns.

What is the Procedure to obtain TAN?
An application for allotment of TAN is to be filed in Form 49B and submitted to any Tax Information Network Facilitation Centres (TIN-FC).Application for TAN can also be made online at NSDL-TIN website.

Which Statutory body grants TAN?
Income-tax Department allots TAN number on the basis of the application filed at TIN-FCs or online NSDL-TIN website. It is the responsibility of NSDL to inform the applicant about his TAN after completion of the whole process.

What documents are required to be filed while applying for TAN?
No documents are needed to be filed along with the application for allotment of TAN. But those who are applying online must forward the signed acknowledgment produced after filling up Form 49B to NSDL.

Is the same TAN valid for both TDS and TCS?
Yes, no separate TAN is required for TCS.

What are the charges to be paid while applying for a TAN?
The processing fee for the TAN application is ` 60.00 (` 55.00 application charge + 10.3% Service Tax)

Can a deducor/collector of tax own more than one TAN?
If a person has already been alloted a TAN than he must not apply for another, as it is illegal. However,a deductor's/collector's different branches or divisions can each apply for TANs for their respective branches or divisions.