New IPO in India

An overview of new IPO in India:

New IPOs are being issued almost every day in the capital markets of India. Initial Public Offering (IPO) in India means the offer of shares by a company that was not previously listed. New IPO in India is launched through various different methods like book building method, fixed price method or a combination of both. New IPOs in India generally have a registrar and also lead managers.

Main objectives of new IPO in India:

The main objectives of New Initial Public Offer (IPO) in India are to use the proceeds from the issue to fund the company's plans for the expansion of operations and to meet the expenses of the issue.

Further the main objectives of New Initial Public Offer (IPO) in India are to use the proceeds from the issue to meet the company's requirements for working capital and also for general corporate purposes.

Major new IPOs in India are:

  • IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd IPO
  • Wockhardt Hospitals Limited IPO
  • Manjushree Extrusion Limited FPO
  • Tulsi Extrusions Limited IPO
  • Emaar MGF Land Limited IPO
  • SVEC Constructions Limited IPO
  • Reliance Power IPO
  • Future Capital Holding Ltd IPO
  • Cords Cable IPO
  • Globus Spirit Ltd. IPO