PNB Gilts Limited

PNB Gilts Limited is a Primary Dealer which was started off with an investment of Rs.50crores and was created as a part of the plan formulated by the Reserve Bank of India, to bring about significant development in the governmental securities sector infrastructure.

Facts about PNB Gilts Limited:

PNB Gilts Limited was originally developed by Punjab national Bank and permitted by the Reserve Bank Of India to function as a Non-Banking Finance company.

The company now boasts of a total capital amount of ` 485.58crores,that was made possible on account of the plan to raise ` 3.5crore through an IPO. PNB Gilts Limited initiated the process of acting as a mediator between the Indian citizens and the government, by availing the governmental securities to the general public.

Facilities offered by PNB Gilts Limited:

PNB Gilts Limited has incorporated latest advancements in information technology like the utilization of lean software and is engaged in providing consultative services to its customers to deal with government securities. PNB Gilts Limited has developed special securities like central government dated securities as well as state government securities. The company caters to the need of unsecured loans of its clients, for the fulfillment of temporary needs with the introduction of inter corporate deposits, reverse repo, bills re discounting, notice money. The merchant banking segment of PNB Gilts Limited has been cross-filed with SEBI and serves to provide the following facilities:
  • Issue Management
  • Project Appraisal
  • Consultancy Services
  • Underwriting Services

Accomplishments of PNB Gilts Limited:

PNB Gilts Limited has secured P1+ ranking on account of the formulation of its temporary financial schemes, and the rank was announced after conduction its survey by CISIL. PNB Gilts Limited has made its mark as a Primary Dealer in the governmental securities market by being recognized with ISO 9002:2000 certificate.

Board of Directors of PNB Gilts Limited:

PNB Gilts Limited is managed by a group of efficient members like Mr. A.K. Gupta, who is presently commissioned to act as the managing director of PNB Gilts Limited. He had been previously functioning as the deputy general manager of Punjab National Bank. Other prominent members of the management team include Sh. R.S. Lodha, Dr. O.P. Chawla, Sh. Devinder Kumar Singla, Dr. kamal Gupta, Sh. Anand Swarup Agarwal, Sh. Arun Kaul, Sh. S.K. Soni and so on.

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