India Finance Commission Rules

The India Finance Commission Rules was drafted in the year 1951 in accordance with the India Finance Commission Act,1951. The India Finance Commission Rules essentially provides the guidance for implementation of the India Finance Commission Act,1951.

The India Finance Commission Rules was amended subsequently to suit the need of the commission. The amendments to the India Finance Commission Rules were made in the years - 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1977, 1983, 1989 and 2003.

The latest provisions of the India Finance Commission Rules

Short title of the India Finance Commission Rules - These rules may be called the Finance Commission (Salaries and Allowances) Rules, 1951.

Salary and Allowances of the Chairman as per the India Finance Commission Rules
  • Entitled to a monthly salary of ` 3,500/-, less the pension or pension equivalent or retirement benefit, if any drawn by him

  • Entitled to a dearness allowance and additional dearness allowances as offered to an employee of the Central Government drawing a monthly payment of ` 3,500

  • Entitled to a traveling allowance and daily allowance, for any journey at rates those are admissible to a Government of India servant of the first grade

  • Entitled to a fully furnished residence in Delhi, during the tenure of his office and for an additional period of 15 days immediately after his resignation or termination of service and without any payment of rent for such use

  • Entitled to a number of compensatory allowances as per the central government norms

  • If any judge of the Supreme Court is appointed as the Chairman of the Commission, then he shall be entitled to a monthly salary or pension or other benefits same as, he was entitled to during his service as a judge of the Supreme Court For journeys undertaken for assuming the charge as Chairman of the Commission, the Chairman is entitled to an actual railway fare not exceeding the fare for the highest class air-conditioned class, for self and members of the family from his place to New Delhi, plus, the actual cost on transport, by passenger train

  • While traveling on duty, he is entitled to all the allowances as are offered to the Judge of the Supreme Court

  • While retiring, he is entitled to all the facilities those are offered to a judge of the Supreme Court on retirement from service.

  • Entitled to use the fully furnished residence in Delhi throughout his term of office and for an additional period of 15 days immediately after his retirement, without payment of any rent for such extended use

  • A part-time Chairman of the Commission is entitled a daily allowance of ` 75 per day for the period spent by him on duty and he shall further be entitled to draw traveling allowance for any journey at rates those are admissible to a Government of India servant of the first grade

  • When a member of the Parliament is appointed as the commissioner then he is entitled to allowances, daily allowance and traveling allowance, at the same rate that was offered to him under Section 3 of the Salaries and Allowances of Members of Parliament act, 1954 (30 of 1954)

Salaries & Allowances of other Members as per the India Finance Commission Rules
  • If any person in service under the Government of India or the State Government or the Reserve Bank of India, is appointed as a whole-time or part-time service as a member of the Commission, then he is entitled to such pay and allowances as drawn by him as a Central Government servant, State Government servant or as a servant of the Reserve Bank

  • If any person (not being a retired High Court Judge or a Government servant or a servant of the Reserve Bank or a retired Government servant or a retired servant of the Reserve Bank) is appointed to serve as a whole time member of the commission then he shall be entitled to a monthly salary of ` 3,000/-, a traveling allowance, including daily allowance, at such rates those are offered to a Government servant of the first grade, and a compensatory allowance at the rate of ` 75/- per month

  • Entitled to medical treatment and hospital facilities as offered by the Central Government

  • Entitled to all kinds of leave, as admissible to a person re-employed after retirement

  • Entitled to avail leave travel concession for self and his family as admissible to re-employed pensioners

  • Entitled to conveyance facilities, as offered to a serving judge

A person, not being a Government servant or a servant of the Reserve Bank, appointed to render part-time service, as a Member of the Commission shall be entitled
  • Entitled to draw a daily allowance of ` 60/- per day, at Bombay, Calcutta and Delhi
  • Entitled to draw a daily allowance of ` 50/- per day for such duty elsewhere
  • Entitled to draw traveling allowance for any journey at such rates those are offered to a Government Servant of the first grade