Andhra Pradesh Housing Board

The Andhra Pradesh Housing Board had been set up under the 1956 A.P. Housing Board Act, on 1st July, 1960. The merging of the Town Improvement Trust and the City Improvement Board led to the formation of the housing board in Andhra Pradesh.

The main objective of the Housing Board in Andhra Pradesh is to provide accommodation to needy citizens of the state at reasonable prices.

The various activities of the Andhra Pradesh Housing Board are enumerated as under:
  • To construct houses under various schemes and to allot the houses under the categories of higher income group, middle income group, and low income group
  • To formulate schemes such as self-financing for middle and high income groups
  • To construct multi-storied buildings, commercial complexes, and shops and to lend them out on rent in order to get financial
  • resources for the board .
  • To select sites for the construction of houses and to determine the services to be provided in the constructed houses
The Housing Board in Andhra Pradesh has undertaken projects across various categories such as low, middle, and high income groups and built a whopping 69,398 houses! It has also developed plots and built shops all through out the state at the cost of ` 41,157.77 lakh. The Andhra Pradesh Housing Board had been set up as a statutory body and the members include a Chairman, vice- chairman, housing commissioner, official members, non- official members.

The various branches of the Andhra Pradesh housing broad are:
  • Legal
  • Establishment
  • Engineering
  • Estate management
  • Accounts
Andhra Pradesh Housing Board has been able to meet the housing needs of the poor in the state to a large extent, but there still exists significant room for development. For this to happen, the state government must make requisite steps in close coordination with the central government.