Globus Spirit Ltd. IPO

The Globus Spirit Ltd. IPO would be launched in 2008 for raising funds for the expansion program of the company.

Globus Spirit Ltd. IPO - Glimpses

The Globus Spirit Ltd IPO is expected to raise ` 68 crores. The main purpose of the IPO of the Globus Spirit Ltd. is the development and expansion of the production facilities located at Samalkha, Haryana and Behror, Rajasthan. The company also proposed to acquire India made Foreign Liquor brands.

Globus Spirits Ltd IPO - Facts

  • The value of the equity shares issued at the IPO would be ` 68 crores at ` 10 as the face value through 100% Book Built Issue.
  • The price band of the issue would be ` 140 to ` 160 per equity share.
  • The maximum subscription allowed to the retail investor would be ` 100,000
  • Lead Manager of the IPO - Srei Capital Markets Limited.

Globus Spirits - Overview

Globus Spirits is one of the leading producers of alcohol in North India. The company is highly reputed in the India made Foreign Liquor segment for the constant development of production processes. Globus Spirits provides the well-known national brands in the IMFL segment and they also have a brand port folio of their own. The company was established in the year 1993. The company is engaged in the commercial activity of producing, marketing and selling Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) and Industrial Alcohol.

Globus Spirits - Popular Brands

  • Officer's Choice Prestige Whiskey
  • Rajputana Whiskey
  • Rajputana Rum
  • Rajputana Gin
  • White Lace Gin
  • Hannibal Legendary Rum
  • Samurai Whisky

Globus Spirit Ltd. IPO - Objectives

The main objectives of the Globus Spirit Ltd. IPO are -
  • To raise funds for the installation of two Multi-Pressure Distillation Plant for the production of Extra Neutral Alcohol, at the rate of 35,000 liters per day from grains and molasses, one at Samalkha in Haryana and the other at Behror in Rajasthan.
  • To raise funds for the High-Pressure Boiler and Back-Pressure Turbine. These would use biomass fuel and bio-gas.
  • To raise funds for the expansion of the capacity of Total Spirit-based Starch Liquefaction section from 60 kiloliters everyday to 75 kiloliters everyday.

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