` 80 and ` 85 per share.">

Tulsi Extrusions IPO

The subscription of Tulsi Extrusions IPO opened on 1st February 2008 and closed on 5th February 2008. The price range fixed for the Equity shares of the IPO was between ` 80 and ` 85 per share. Around 5.7 million Equity share were available for the investors with a face value of ` 10 each. The chief aim with which this IPO was set up by the company was to enjoy the benefits provided by the two powerful stock exchanges in India as well as meet the requirements of the long-term working capital.

Details of Tulsi Extrusions IPO-

The subscription of Tulsi Extrusions IPO was opened on 1st February 2008 and closed on 5th February 2008. Tulsi Extrusions Limited started off its IPO with a total Equity share of 5.7 million with a face value of ` 10 each.

The price band fixed for the shares of IPO of Tulsi Extrusions varied between ` 80 and ` 85 respectively. The Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Tulsi Extrusions Limited was set up with a reservation of 100,000 equity shares. Tulsi Extrusions IPO issued a maximum of 5,700,000 shares to the investors. The IPO has occupied almost 45.62 percent of the wholly diluted post issue paid-up capital of Tulsi Extrusions.

The IPO was launched as 100% book building issue. The face value of the Equity shares of the IPO was fixed at ` 10. A minimum order of 75 shares by the investors was fixed for the Tulsi Extrusions IPO. The maximum subscription amount for retail investors of domestic market was ` 100,000. The shares of Tulsi Extrusions IPO got listed on both National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). Almondz Global Securities Limited is the lead manager of the IPO of Tulsi Extrusions Limited and Intime Spectrum Registry Limited is the registrar of the company.

Objectives of Tulsi Extrusions IPO-

  • The main objective of the IPO of Tulsi Extrusions Limited is to enjoy the benefits of getting listed on the main stock exchanges in India, the BSE and the NSE respectively as well as raise the capital expansion of the company's manufacturing unit at Jalgaon, Maharashtra.
  • Another objective of the IPO is to meet the requirements of long term working capital.
  • IPO of Tulsi Extrusions Limited was set up to purchase various branch offices at different places in the country.
  • Meeting the expenditures of the public offerings was another objective.
  • It will also act as a provision for contingencies.
  • Lastly, the Tulsi Extrusions IPO will also serve the general corporate purposes.

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