EPZ for setting up industry in India

The chief aim of EPZ for setting up industry in India is to provide a duty free environment to all the units set up in the zone for exporting multi-products. EPZ makes its industries globally competitive and also enables export production at a cut-down rate. The export processing zones in India are separated from the Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) in terms of financial issues. It offers a wide spectrum of technologically advanced facilities in the industrial sector in EPZ to make the units internationally competitive in terms of quality and price.

Establishment of EPZ in India-

There are apparently seven EPZ in India namely, Kandla (Gujarat), Mumbai (Maharashtra), Noida (U.P), Madras (Tamil Nadu), Cochin (Kerala), Falta (West Bengal), and Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh. The first export-processing zone in India was set up in the year 1965 and is known as the Kandla Free Trade Zone. The export processing zones in India are entirely export-oriented yet are allowed to sell a certain amount of their production in the domestic market also. The EPZ in India are set up with the main aim to separate it from the Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) with respect to the financial barriers. The development commissioner of the EPZ in India is responsible for the execution and implementation of all the activities and policies as will be set by the state government.

Primary benefits offered by EPZ for setting up industry in India-

  • The units in EPZ in India enjoy the full privilege to export goods such as machinery, raw materials, consumables, components, and many more in any part of the world
  • No tax is charged in the export production
  • The products exported are free of levies, custom or excise duty, and all other taxes including the sales tax
  • The entrepreneurs can choose their own locations while setting up their industries in the EPZ
  • 100 percent FDI is allotted in the EPZ for setting up industry in India
Contact details of EPZ in India-

Santa Cruz Electronics Export Processing Zone
Andheri (East)
Mumbai 400 096, India
Tel: 91-22-836 7143
Fax: 91-22-832 1169

Falta Export Processing Zone
2nd MSO Building
4th Floor, Room No. 4, Nizam Palace
234/4, A J C Bose Road
Calcutta 700 020, India
Tel: 91-22-247 7923
Fax: 91-33-247 2263

Cochin Export Processing Zone
CPZ Administrative Building
Kakkanad, Cochin 682 030, India
Tel: 91-484-422 530, 422 551
Fax: 91-484-422 530

Noida Export Processing Zone
PHD House, 3rd Floor
Khel Gaon Marg,
New Delhi 110 016, India
Tel: 91-11-685 5061
Fax: 91-11-685 5061

Kandla Free Trade Zone
Kutch 370 230, India
Tel: 91-2836-521 94
Fax: 91-2836-522 50

Madras Export Processing Zone
Administrative Building
GST Road, Tambaram
Chennai 600 045, India
Tel: 91-44-236 8220
Fax: 91-44-236 8218

Visakhapatnam Export Processing Zone
Udyog Bhavan Complex,
Shripuram Junction
Visakhapatnam 530 003, India
Tel: 91-891-551 259, 554 577
Fax: 91-891-551 259