FDI from Malaysia

FDI from Malaysia to India has taken place in many sectors like infrastructure, real estate, power, human resources, and oil. The total percentage of FDI from Malaysia to India came to about 3% out of the total flow of foreign direct investment in the country in 2004.

Various Malaysian investments in India:

Many Malaysian companies are involved in operating and constructing the highways in India. These Malaysian companies have a share of around 20% in the program of highway building of the country's Golden Quadrilateral.

Further the Malaysian companies that have constructed and operated the global standard Kuala Lumpur International Airport are now involved in the construction of the Hyderabad Airport in collaboration with the Indian firms.

Malaysian companies like Ho Hup Construction Company and IJM have also entered into joint ventures with the real estate developers in India in order to make investments in the real estate sector of the country

Inflow of FDI from Malaysia to India:

The amount of FDI from Malaysia to India stood at around US$ 450 million in 2004. the percentage of FDI from Malaysia to India came to about 3% out of the total flow of foreign direct investment in the country in 2004.

Sectors in India attracting FDI from Malaysia are:

  • Infrastructure
  • Tourism
  • Oil
  • Power
  • Human Resources
  • Real estate
  • Information technology

Indian sectors seeking foreign direct investment from Malaysia:

The Indian Union Minister of Commerce & Industry in an economic conference between Malaysia and India in 2005 stated that the country was seeking foreign direct investment from Malaysia specifically in the Greenfield projects and in the manufacturing sector. Further the Prime Minister of Malaysia in a conference in 2005 said that Malaysian companies should go for joint collaboration with the Indian firms in emerging fields like Business Process Outsourcing (B.P.O.), education, health care, and biotechnology.

Last Updated on 3/18/2011