FDI Status in Different States of India


FDI in different states in India have increased steadily since the early 1990s when the Indian economy was opened up to foreign investments. Delhi, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are among the leading states that have attracted maximum FDI.

The status of FDI in different states of India, during the period beginning from the year January 2000 to October 2006 corroborates the growth of Indian states in sync with the Indian economy. Some of the states in India which have witnessed a massive upsurge in FDI Inflows include Delhi (USD 6,780 million), Maharashtra (USD 5,650.1 million), Karnataka (USD 1,876.1 million), and Tamil Nadu (USD 1,876.1 million). Other states which are in the receipt of FDI Inflows in India include West Bengal, Gujarat, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, and Uttar Pradesh.

State Wise FDI Equity Inflows

S. No. RBI's - Regional Office2 State covered 2009-10 (Apr.- Mar.) 2010-11 ( Apr.- March) 2011-12 (April –Jan.) Cumulative Inflows (April ‟00 - Jan. „12) %age to total Inflows (in terms of US$)
1MUMBAI MAHARASHTRA, DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI, DAMAN & DIU 39,409 (8,249) 27,669 (6,097) 39,758 (8,564) 241,228 (53,632) 34
2NEW DELHI DELHI, PART OF UP AND HARYANA 46,197 (9,695) 12,184 (2,677) 33,089 (7,114) 146,778 (32,202) 20
3BANGALORE KARNATAKA 4,852 (1,029) 6,133 (1,332) 5,776 (1,240) 42,434 (9,468) 6
4CHENNAI TAMIL NADU, PONDICHERRY 3,653 (774) 6,115 (1,352) 5,754 (1,231) 36,602 (8,082) 5
5AHMEDABAD GUJARAT 3,876 (807) 3,294 (724) 4,234 (902) 35,927 (8,058) 5
6HYDERABAD ANDHRA PRADESH 5,710 (1,203) 5,753 (1,262) 3,697 (779) 30,259 (6,740) 4
7KOLKATA WEST BENGAL, SIKKIM, ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 531 (115) 426 (95) 1,732 (377) 8,100 (1,864) 1
8CHANDIGARH` CHANDIGARH, PUNJAB, HARYANA, HIMACHAL PRADESH 1,038 (224) 1,892 (416) 203 (44) 4,888 (1,068) 1
9BHOPAL MADHYA PRADESH, CHATTISGARH 255 (54) 2,093 (451) 527 (114) 3,537 (768) 1
10PANAJI GOA 808 (169) 1,376 (302) 123 (26) 3,449 (751) 1
11KOCHI KERALA, LAKSHADWEEP 606 (128) 167 (37) 1,731 (363) 3,389 (730) 1
12JAIPUR RAJASTHAN 149 (31) 230 (51) 111 (23) 2,561 (544) 0.3
13KANPUR UTTAR PRADESH, UTTRANCHAL 227 (48) 514 (112) 602 (133) 1,414 (310) 0.2
14BHUBANESHWAR ORISSA 702 (149) 68 (15) 122 (27) 1,329 (288) 0.2
16PATNA BIHAR, JHARKHAND - 25 (5) 58 (11) 85 (17) 0
17REGION NOT INDICATED3 15,056 (3,148) 20,543 (4,491) 24,786 (5,241) 160,533 (35,376) 20
SUB. TOTAL 123,120 (25,834) 88,520 (19,427) 122,307 (26,192) 722,834 (159,973) 100
18RBI’S-NRI SCHEMES (from 2000 to 2002) 000533 (121) -
GRAND TOTAL 123,120 (25,834) 88,520 (19,427) 122,307 (26,192) 723,367 (160,094) -

FDI in Maharashtra -

Foreign Direct Investment on Maharashtra covers Mumbai, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, and Daman & Diu. The total FDI Inflows in Maharashtra economy from January 2000 to October 2006 was estimated to be around ` 25,685.45 crores which is approximately USD 5,650.1 million.

FDI in West Bengal -

Foreign Direct Investment in various states in and around West Bengal covers West Bengal, Sikkim, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The FDI Inflows in these states from January 2000 to October 2006 was around ` 1,523.83 crores which comes to around USD 334.8 million.

FDI in Karnataka -

Foreign Direct Investment on Karnataka from January 2000 to October 2006 has accounted for ` 8,485.38 crores which approximately comes to around USD 1,876.1 million.

FDI in Gujarat -

Foreign Direct Investment on Gujarat from January 2000 to October 2006 was estimated to be around ` 4,112.73 crores which comes to around USD 898.8 million. Gujarat ranks six in terms of FDI Inflows in India.

FDI in Haryana -

The total Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in Haryana, Delhi, and parts of Uttar Pradesh has been estimated to be around ` 30,673.73 crores which is approximately USD 6,780.0 million from January 2000 to October 2006. Haryana ranks first in terms of receiving FDI Inflows in India.

FDI in Delhi -

Foreign Direct Investment Inflows on Delhi economy has been estimated to be around ` 30,673.73 crores which roughly comes to USD 6,780.0 million from January 2000 to October 2006.

FDI in Tamil Nadu -

Foreign Direct Investment Inflows on Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry has been accounted for ` 8,485.38 crores which comes to around USD 1,876.1 million from January 2000 to October 2006. Tamil Nadu ranks third in terms of FDI Inflows in India.

FDI in Andhra Pradesh -

Foreign Direct Investment Inflows on Andhra Pradesh has been estimated to be around ` 4,825.36 crores which is approximately USD 1,061.4 million as has been calculated between January 2000 and October 2006. Andhra Pradesh ranks fifth as a recipient of FDI Inflows in India.

FDI in Kerala -

Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in Kerala has also covered regions in Lakshadweep and has been estimated to be around ` 339.77 crores which is approximately USD 75.1 million from January 2000 to October 2006.

FDI in Uttar Pradesh -

Foreign Direct Investment Inflows on Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal was ` 15.27 crores which comes to around USD 3.3 million from January 2000 to October 2006.

The following links provide detailed information on the impact of FDI in different Indian states: