Impact of FDI on Karnataka Economy


Karnataka ranks among the top 5 industrially developed states in India. The economy of Karnataka has developed significantly in recent years with large volumes of Foreign Direct Investments flowing into the state.

Factors attracting foreign direct investment in Karnataka:

  • The state government is investor friendly for it provides the facility of single window clearance to ensure fast track approvals for foreign investments.
  • The infrastructure facility that is available in the state is of world class standard.
  • Good law and order situation prevails in Karnataka which is conductive to foreign direct investments.
  • The state provides excellent logistic support and connectivity to the investors
  • The state ranks among the top 5 industrially developed states of India.
  • The state provides to the investors one of the biggest and fastest expanding markets in the country
  • Highly skilled manpower is abundantly available in Karnataka.

Industries attracting foreign direct investment in Karnataka are:

  • Information technology
  • Cement
  • Food processing industries
  • Automobiles
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Electronics & communications
  • Apparel

International companies that have invested in Karnataka are:

  • Hewlett Packard
  • Compaq
  • Accenture
  • GE
  • Toyota
  • Coca- Cola
  • Warner Lambert
  • Italicement
  • Van Heusen

Amount of foreign direct investment in Karnataka:

The total percentage of foreign direct investment in Karnataka stood at 8% out of the total foreign direct investment in India during August 1991 to May 2000. There are more than 500 multinational companies in the Karnataka and also over 100 international R&D centers in the state.

Advantages of foreign direct investment in Karnataka:

The advantages of foreign direct investment in Karnataka are that it has helped to generate employment opportunities for the people in the state. Further the advantages of foreign direct investment in Karnataka are that it has led to the growth in exports from the state to foreign countries.