Benefits from Personal Accident Insurance

The benefits from personal accident insurance are numerous. Therefore, if you have been thinking to avail one, it is worth every bit of your investment. Sourcing them is not a difficult task. You can get them from the insurance companies as well as the brokers and intermediaries. If you think from the long-term perspective, then opting for a personal accident insurance plan would contribute to your financial balance and well - being. There are many benefits that you can reap from this policy. It is available in the form of the services.

Useful services of Personal Accident Insurance

The services or the coverage provided by the personal accident insurance plan is what its benefits are. We have discussed some of the key benefits for you.

Benefits of Disability Insurance

One of the major advantages of this policy is the disability coverage insurance. This is operative in cases where you are so unwell that you cannot continue work anymore. Under the insurance scheme you would be given a monthly payment to sustain till such time you are not working. If perchance, you feel that your company or employer will cover you and you don't require this policy, then it may cause you some surprise. Often companies offer you short term coverage for disability in case there is any accident. Under that scheme you will be covered only a stipulated period of 26 weeks. A personal accident insurance will offer you the insurance and guarantees you coverage for the time when you are not working.

Accidental Death Insurance Policy

While elucidating on the benefits from personal accident insurance, it is very important to mention about the accidental death insurance. This is one of the very common types of insurance that comes into use and covers you for any accidental demise that may occur. This policy would offer your beneficiaries a certain monetary aid. The amount would be decided by the company depending on the insurer's case history and other factors. However, there are certain areas that the insurance policy does not cover. If the insurer expires due to any disease or illness the policy does not apply. If the demise happens because of any car crash and fatal accident then the policy would provide coverage. Most people consider this to be a less expensive form of life insurance for the ones who are healthy and want protection against any unforeseen accidents and mishaps.

Cash for accidents

The personal accident policy has yet another benefit that is helpful for you. It offers you help via cash if you have incurred any accident or injury. The cash would therefore cover all medical expenses and treatment costs of the individual. The cash is shelled out from minor treatments to major physical injuries and surgeries.

Last Updated on 20/06/2011

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