Accident Insurance Policies

Accidents can occur any time since life is uncertain. In order to reduce the burden of an accident most of the insurance companies in India have come up with numerous accident insurance policies. Accident insurance provides assistance to the insured when he or she meets with an accident and suffers certain injuries. Accident insurance policies do not only help the insured to clear his /her hospital and medical bills but they also provide money to the family members in the event of death of the insured.

Below is a list of some of the important Accident Insurance Policies in India

Accident Shield: Accident Shield by Royal Sundaram is currently one of the most popular online accident policies today. The policy is a worldwide plan that covers the individual from unforeseen events that lead to total disability, death and partial disability. The policy only covers the person insured.

Key Features of the Policy

  • Any person between the age of 18 years to 70 years can opt for this policy
  • No medical examinations are required to avail this policy
  • The policy offers three types of plans Silver, Gold and Platinum.
  • The policy offers grants for education for two children up to Rs 10,000 per policy.
  • The policy offers hassle free claims
Individual Personal Accident Plan: The Individual Personal Accident plan by Apollo Munich is another important accident insurance plan. Known for its umpteen benefits this plan does not only cover the individual but his or her family too. The policy assures compensation due to an unforeseen event that result in bodily injuries or death.

  • The policy covers people between the age group of 5 - 70 years.
  • The plan is for a tenure is for a period of one year
  • In case of death a lump sum amount is paid to the nominee of the insured.
  • In case of Temporary Total Disablement the insured is entitled to a weekly allowance.
Personal Accident Insurance policy: ICICI Lombard's Personal Accident Insurance policy is also a popular accident policy. The accident policy provides coverage against Death, Accidental and Permanent Total Disablement. This is a worldwide policy and provides immediate assistance to the insured in any part of the world

Key Features of the Policy

  • The minimum entry age to avail benefits of this policy is 18 years and the maximum age is 70 years.
  • The policy does not compensate claims arising from ailments.
  • The policy provides a customized coverage which allows you to select between Rs 10,000 Lakhs, Rs 20,000
  • The nominee of the policy is compensated with the entire amount in the event of death of the insured within the policy tenure.
Last Updated on 20/06/2011

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