Investment Banks
Concept of Investment Banks
The banking scenario in India is itself huge, covering the different facets of the economy. By and large, investment banks in India are itself an institution which generates funds in two different ways. The first manner in which it works is by drawing public funds via the capital market by way of selling stock in their company. The other way in which it operates is to seek for venture capital or private equity, as a substitute for a stake in their company.Role of an Investment Bank
The major work of investment banks includes a lot of consulting. For instance, they offer advices on mergers and acquisitions to companies. The other arena where they give advice are tracking the market and determining when should a company come out with a public offering and what is the best possible way to manage the public assets of businesses. The role that an investment bank plays sometimes gets overlapped with that of a private brokerage house. The usual advice of buying and selling is also given by investment banks.There is no demarcating line between the investment banking and other forms of banking in India. This has been observed majorly of late. All banks nowadays want to provide their customers the best of services and create a niche for themselves and that is why apart from investment banks, all other banks too are aiming at making it big.
At the macro level, investment banking is related with the primary function of assisting the capital market in its function of capital intermediation, i.e., the movement of financial resources from those who have them (the investors), to those who need to make use of them for producing GDP (the issuers). Over the decades, investment banks have always suited the needs of the finance community and thus become one of the most vibrant and exciting segment of financial services.
Globally investment banks handle significant fund-based business of their own in the capital market along with their non-fund service portfolio which is offered to the clients. All these activities are broadly segmented across three platforms - equity market activity, debt market activity and merger and acquisitions (M&A) activity. In addition, given the structure of the market, there is also a segmentation based on whether a particular investment bank belongs to a banking parent or is a stand-alone pure investment bank.
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