Investment Fund

India Investment fund is one of the chief ways of making investments in a secure way. By putting money into the investment funds, one can easily reap that extra profits and at the same time grow the money in a steady and secure manner. With the growth in the consumer market and demand, more and more financial companies across India are coming up with a wide range of investment funds.

Investment funds: what are they?

India investment funds are one of the most preferred ways through which one can reap in profits and enjoy that financial stability in the long run. In simple terms, investment fund is a type of institution or firm, the main task of which is to take in funds from various retail investors and invest the funds for some type of fee. The main objective of the India investment fund is to help the investors to have some exposure for a wide range of investment options.

The investment funds in India are ideal for the investors who are keen to invest in various channels without deeply analyzing or studying the various options for investment. In most cases, the financial advisers, the trust managers and the private bankers direct almost all or some parts of the asset towards the fund investments.

Types of India investment funds

There is a wide range of investment funds in India that are available in the market. One needs to invest in the ideal investment fund as per the tastes, preferences and budget requirements. In most cases, the investment funds are open ended or close ended. In case of an open ended fund, the investors are allowed to sell in the fund at any time as per their wish. On the other hand, in case of close ended investment funds, the money needs to be kept locked for some period of time.

In case of the private India investment fund, there are around 50 investors. Each of the investors contributes a particular sum of money to the fund and in most cases; the money is invested towards a particular type of asset. In most cases, the private funds are close ended funds and are invested by people who have long term financial goals. This type of investment option provides higher returns.

For higher flexibility and returns, one can also opt for public funds. They are also secure as they are not so dependant on market swings. One can also enjoy good transparency over the money that is invested. In most cases, in case of these funds, the net asset value (NAV) needs to be declared on a regular basis.

Some of the well known companies which offer various kinds of India Investment fund are:

  • ICICI Prudential
  • HDFC Prudence Fund
  • Escorts Liquid Plan
  • Junior BeES
  • Birla Sun Life
  • Franklin India Index
All these investment funds offer good returns on the money that is put and are also secure. They can be a wonderful option to invest and enjoy financial stability in the long run.

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