Public Investment Board

Public Investment Board better known as PIB has been established to examine the investment plans put forwarded by the individual ministries of the Indian Government in lieu of the respective public sector undertakings. All the investment plans with an estimated costing of Rs.100crores and more fall under the purview of PIB.

Public Investment Board and Indian Airlines

In the year 2004, the Indian Airlines put forward its proposal to secure the 43 Airbus aircraft.

By then it has already secured the approval of the Public Investment Board on the nine wide bodied aircraft. The Civil Aviation Ministry asked the company to carry on a through research of the aviation industry before going ahead with the proposal for the 43 Airbus aircraft.

Public Investment Board and Power Projects

The Public Investment Board in the year 2005 sanctioned the proposal for two hydel plants to be set up in Ladakh. The hydel project at Leh has been named as Minoo Bazgo Hydel Project and is estimated to cost around ` 629.65crores whereas the hydel project at Kargil has been estimated to cost around Rs.631.72crores. Kargil project has been names as Chutak Hydel Project. The National Hydroelectric Power Corporation has been authorized to dispatch the work within a period of 4 years. The tariff rates at the beginning were declared to range between ` 5 to ` 6 per unit. Another significant project was to be set up in the state of Bihar. This project involved the establishment of transmission system, which was proposed to connect the 1980- MW coal-based Barh power plant of NTPC with that of Eastern grid.

Approval for Metro Rail by Public Investment Board

In the year 2005, the Public Investment Board approved the proposal for the establishment of the Bangalore Metro Rail. The Bangalore Mass Rapid Transit Limited (BMRTL) placed the proposal forward. The project is to be completed in a period of 5 years and the land for the establishment of the Metro Rail was to be provided by the Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board. The project would cover 18.1 km in the East-West Corridor and with regard to the North-South direction it is required to cover 14.9 km. The Public Investment Board approved the proposal after the examining certain significant aspects related to the viability of the proposal as for example plans to fight with the risk of cost overrun and the strategy evolved for the calculation of costs.

Significant Projects of Public Investment Board

Shipping Projects

  • Execution of River Regulatory measures for the improvement of Drought in the Hoogly Estuary of Calcutta Port Trust
  • Acquisition of 2 nos. of New Building LR-II Site Crude Oil Tankers of 140,000 DWT each by Shipping Corporation of India Ltd.

Coal Projects

  • RCE Thermal Power -I Expansion of NLC
  • Topa Reorganization Open Cast Project of Central Coal Fields Ltd.
  • RCE- Dudhichua OCP of Northern Coal Fields Ltd.
  • Revised Project Report Satgram Underground Project of Eastern Coalfields Ltd.
Surface Transport Projects

  • National Highways Development Project
  • Rehabilitation and Up gradation of Surat Manor section of NH-8 -Surat Manor Tollway Project
Fertilizer Project

  • Firmed up time schedule and Project cost of Namrup revamp Project of Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation limited.