Titan Industries

About Titan Industries

This site provides comprehensive information on Titan Industries – a Tata enterprise, an India based watch manufacturing company. Titan Industries is also into the business of manufacturing jewelry and Sports Sunglasses.
Titan Industries, established in 1984 was a joint venture between Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Cooperation and Tata group of Industries which, later transformed the Indian watch industry into a modern and wide-product-variety market. Previously, another private player had the monopoly in the Indian Watch Market. Titan Industries have 4 Regional Offices, 3 factories, 1 each watch manufacturing and Jewelery Manufacturing division and 3 affiliate companies in Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Europe.
Titan Industries Watch and Jewelery Divisions are certified under ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 for quality and environment, respectively.

Titan Industries has been awarded with a number of accolades and awards like -
  • The President of India's Award - for employing disabled person.
  • 'Friends of BIL Award' - for employing handicapped person.
  • The Titan Design team received 7 accreditations at the National Institute of Designs - Business World Awards, including the 'Young Design Entrepreneur of the Year'.
  • Titan and Tanishq were adjudged 'Most Admired Brands'.
  • Titan retained its ranking as the 'Number 1 Brand' in the Brand Equity Survey, in the Consumer Durables category.


Latest Financial Figures(Figures in Rs. Crores)
ET 500 Rank(2014)103
Profit after Tax(PAT)734.94
MCAP (Market Capitalization)31095.43


Titan Industries product line in watch manufacturing division includes watches for all purposes – economy, mood and personality and obviously, for all ages. Titan Industries classifies its range according to -
  • Occasion -Formal, Dress-wear, Fashion, Sports / Casual, Luxury, Economy and Technology.
  • Brands are – Edge, FasTrack, Nebula, Raga, Steel, Regalia, Bandhan, FLIP and Sonata .
Apart from these products it also offers exclusive range of Jewelery under the brand name ' Tanishq ' and Sporty Sunglasses under the brand name ' Fastrack '. Moreover, Titan Industries offers gift vouchers through their outlets across the country. It also offers value added services to its customers through its sell & service outlets, across India and specific International locations.

Board of Director

Mr. C. V. Sankar, IAS, Chairman
Mr. Bhaskar Bhat, Managing Director
Mr. N N Tata, Director

Titan Industries Branch Offices In India

Bangalore TSR Darashaw Ltd.
503, Barton Centre, 5th Floor,
84, Mahatma Gandhi Road
BANGALORE - 560 001.
Tel No: 080- 25320321
Fax: 080-25580019
E-mail: [email protected]
New Delhi TSR Darashaw Ltd.
2/42 Sant Vihar
Ansari Road, Daryaganj,
NEW DELHI - 110 002
Tel No: 011- 23271805
Fax: 011-23271802
E-mail: [email protected]
Kolkata TSR Darashaw Ltd.
Tata Centre, 1st Floor
43, Chowringhee Road
KOLKATA - 700 071
Tel No: 033-22883087
Fax: 033-22883062
E-mail: [email protected]
Jamshedpur TSR Darashaw Ltd.
Bungalow No.1 'E' Road
Northern Town, Bistupur
JAMSHEDPUR - 831 001.
Tel No: 0657-2426616
Fax: 0657-2426937
E-mail: [email protected]
Ahmedabad Shah Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd
3, Sumatinath Complex, Pritam Nagar
, Akhada Road, Ellisbridge
Ahmedabad - 380 006
E-mail: [email protected]
For Investor queries / complaints
Email : [email protected]
For Support queries
+91 40 66870400 (Between IST 10:00hrs to 19:00hrs)
Email: [email protected]
Toll-free No.: 1800-108-1100 (10AM to 7PM IST.)
Website: http://titan.co.in/

Alphabetical List of Indian Companies

Last Updated on May 25, 2015