India Economic Indicators

The India economic indicators are essential as they given an accurate status of India's economy at different points of time. Various types of Indian economic indicators are used for various periods of time. There are also indicators which are used for separate administrative divisions such as states. These help us to analyze the Indian economy.

Gross Domestic Product of India

The gross domestic product (GDP) of India, according to purchasing power parity was US $2.996 trillion in the financial year 2007. And in terms of official exchange rate, it was US $1.099 trillion. There was a real growth rate of 9 percent in India's gross domestic product for the financial year 2007.

Per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of India in terms of purchasing power parity in the financial year 2007 was US $2,600. The agricultural sector contributed 17.2% of India's gross domestic product; the industrial sector contributed 29.4% of the GDP while the services sector contributed 53.7% of the GDP in the financial year 2008.

Rate of inflation in India

An important economic indicator is the rate of inflation. The rate of inflation (CPI) was 7.8% for the year 2008. In 2007, the rate of inflation as per the wholesale price index was 8.75 percent.

Important Indian economic indicators

The different various types of economic indicators can be classified into various categories such as -
  • Selected economic indicators month-wise
  • The Economic position established on the main indicators of the economy
  • Key indicators of Indian economy
  • Plan-wise selected indicators of development in India
  • social development indicators in India
  • Socio-economic indicators for states in India
  • Certain debt indicators of central and state governments
  • Select state governments fiscal indicators
  • State-wise relative index of infrastructure in India
  • Macro-economic performance indicators
  • Certain fiscal indicators of the central government
  • Selected economic indicators in India
  • Selected commodities market prices
  • Selected indicators of Indian economy

Industrial growth

The industrial growth in December 2008 was 1.0 per cent for mining, -2.5 per cent for manufacturing and 1.6 percent for the electricity sector. The revised annual growth for April- December, 2008-09 for mining was 3.0 per cent, for manufacturing was 3.3 per cent and 2.7 per cent for the electricity sectors. There was lesser growth for capital goods and basic goods in December, 2008.

Foreign Institutional Investors' FII

There were net investments by foreign institutional investors' (FIIs) to the tune of US$ 10 billion from April to September of 2009-10. Most of these investments have come from the primary market. According to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), FII net investment was US$ 7.08 billion till 6 November 2006.

Foreign Direct Investment FDI

In July'09, the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) was US$ 3.5 billion according to Mr Anand Sharma, the Commerce and Industry Minister. During April-July 2009, FDI equity inflows receipts were US$ 10.532 billion. In June 2009, India attracted foreign direct investment worth US$ 2.58 billion according to the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).