Fieldstone Mortgage Company

Fieldstone Mortgage Company, a subsidiary of Fieldstone Investment Corporation was founded in 1995. Fieldstone Mortgage is a nationwide mortgage company that largely deals with residential mortgage banking.

The principal activities of Fieldstone Mortgage Company is to hand out non-conforming residential mortgage loans to the borrowers. These residential mortgage loans are handed over to a range of independent mortgage brokers first who works under regional wholesale operations centers and also a series of retain branch offices that are being established in different parts of the country. The headquarter of Fieldstone Mortgage Company is situated at Columbia, Maryland. Fieldstone is known to be the country's one of the topmost non-conforming residential mortgage lenders. Fieldstone Mortgage possess almost 83 beginner offices located in United States.

Fieldstone firmly believes in non-conforming mortgage loans. The company aids the borrowers with some guidelines that are guaranteed to to draw their attention towards the concept of non-conforming residential mortgage loans and exempting from the age-old and conventional conforming mortgage loan schemes. Fieldstone Mortgage Company has also been successful in selling its idea of non-conforming mortgage quite efficiently in the market along with refinance and debt consolidation loans which added a value to its service. Debt consolidation loans was introduced by Fieldstone to meet the interests of those borrowers who look for the loan schemes that would ask for lesser debts within a duration of 2-3 years that would help them qualify for the traditional conforming mortgage loans.

In order to market these concepts, initially the brokers who used to do the lending operations of residential mortgage loans and things related to it and also the loan officers of Fieldstone Mortgage depended largely on personal recommendations and marketing of products in domestic markets and advertising. As a consequence of this approach, the company started feeling that the people have got too much involved in looking for prospects which ha led to a major loss of time and energy. It was then in 1999 that the company decided to launch new ideas pertinent to it and modify its marketing strategies. A 'two-pronged' approach was acquired by the company to ensure much improved target qualified loan prospects and the old marketing schemes were replaced by the new and innovative direct marketing strategies in addition to customer recommendations.

Litton Loan Servicing LP, an affiliate of Fieldstone Mortgage Company programmed the refinancing scheme for the existing customers of Fieldstone. Fieldstone Mortgage Company believes in flexibility in its lending operations for the customers and also always encourage incorporating the schemes that are mostly wanted by the borrowers. Unlike the traditional conforming loans, this non-conforming lender succumbs to easy and affordable loan schemes that would attract the borrowers to a great extent.

Last Updated on 5/26/2011