Housing Board in India

Housing Board in India has been set up in most of the Indian states by the government of India in order to promote the property market's expansion.

The board for housing in India sees to the proper development of the ideally located and well-placed colonies. To boost housing projects all over the country the Housing Boards in India have been formed in various states.

The objectives of the Housing Boards in India are:
  • To provide housing accommodation to needy citizens at reasonable prices
  • To construct houses and to allot them under the categories of high income group, middle income group, and low income group
  • To select the sites for housing and decide the services to be provided
  • To formulate schemes for self financing that help the middle and high income groups
  • To construct commercial complexes, multi-storied buildings, and shops and then to lease them out in rent so as to secure financial resources for the boards.
Some of the various housing boards in India are as under:
  • Gujarat Housing Board
  • Andhra Pradesh Housing Board
  • Himachal Pradesh Housing Board
  • Orissa Housing Board
  • Madhya Pradesh Housing Board
Among Indian Housing Boards, the one belonging to Gujarat was been set up on May 1st, 1960 and has constructed over 176,754 houses in the entire state. The Andhra Pradesh Housing Board was established on July 1st, 1960 and has constructed projects under various categories such as low, middle, and high income groups and built around 69,398 houses. The Orissa Housing Board was set up in 1968 and it has built around 28,500 houses in the state. The Madhya Pradesh Housing Board had been set up under the 1972 Madhya Pradesh Griha Nirman Mandal Adhiniyam Act. It has constructed a lot of houses all over the state. The Housing Boards in India have been instrumental in providing accommodation for lakhs of Indians across the country. Housing Boards in India have been successful to a large extent and the government of India needs to ensure the availability of funds for the housing boards to ensure that they continue with their projects.

For further information on Housing Boards in India, please refer to the following sites: