Growth of Retail Companies in India

Growth of Retail Companies in India exhibits the boom in the retail industry in India over the years. The increase in the purchasing power of the Indian middle classes and the influx of the foreign investments have been encouraging in the Growth of Retail Companies in India.

Growth of Retail Companies in India : Overview

Growth of Retail Companies in India is still not yet in a matured stage with great potentials within this sector still to be explored. Apart from the retail company like Nilgiri's of Bangalore, most of the retail companies are sections of other industries that have stepped in the retail sector for a better business. The Growth of Retail Companies in India is most pronounced in the metro cities of India, however the smaller towns are also not lagging behind in this. The retail companies are not only targeting the four metros in India but also is considering the second graded upcoming cities like Ahmedabad, Baroda, Chandigarh, Coimbatore, Cochin, Ludhiana, Pune, Trivandrum, Simla, Gurgaon, and others. The South Indian zone have adopted the process of shopping in the supermarkets for their daily requirements and this has also been influencing other cities as well where many hypermarkets are coming up day to day.

Reasons for the fast Growth of Retail Companies in India:

The retail companies are found to be rising in India at a remarkable speed with the years and this have brought a revolutionary change in the shopping attitude of the Indian customers. The Growth of Retail Companies in India is facilitated by certain factors like -
  • existing Indian middle classes with an increased purchasing power
  • rise of upcoming business sectors like the IT and engineering firms
  • change in the taste and attitude of the Indians
  • effect of globalization
  • heavy influx of FDI in the retail sectors in India

To get further details on the Growth of Retail Companies in India and other retail chain of companies in India, please browse through the following links: