Mangalore Stock Exchange

Mangalore Stock Exchange is a recognized regional stock exchange located in Mangalore, Karnataka in India. This exchange house has grown remarkably in the following thirteen years and has become one of the most progressive exchanges in India for its developed information technology.


Mangalore Stock Exchange or MgSE, was started on 1984 as a public limited company and got recognized by the Central Government for an initial period of 5 years in the following year under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956. However, on August 31, 2004, Securities and Exchange Board of India decided to de-recognize the Mangalore Stock Exchange.

After de-recognition, the trading members or the shareholders of Mangalore Stock Exchange will no longer remain members of any recognized stock exchange and will be de-registered. This implies that their certificate of registration will be automatically canceled. The listed companies can consider seeking listing at other stock exchanges according to the Delisting Guidelines of Securities and Exchange Board of India.

  • Trading System:
    In 1996, the Mangalore Stock Exchange introduced screen- based trading with the aid of a local solutions provider Microsoft Solutions, Microsoft Consulting Services and an Australian company, Stallion Technologies. This would increase productivity and customer service levels within the exchange, monitor trading activities based on Securities and Exchange Board of India guidelines, monitor the performance and activity of companies, report to brokers and maintain system and back-up.

    The easy connections provided by the 8/32 host adapter card allow stock exchange members to trade on their own workstations, irrespective of their location, via a simple dial-up connection through the stock exchange's leased lines. The system provides not only transparent trading but valuable real-time information by providing live rates from all the major stock exchanges in India.

    The screen-based trading of the stock exchange of Mangalore is the first of its kind in India and combines both local area networks and a wide area network (WAN).

  • Contact Details:

    Head Office:
    Mangalore Stock Exchange Office
    4th floor, Rama Bhavan Complex
    Kodialbail, Mangalore
    Karnataka - 575 003.
    Phone: 0824-25224392/ 93
    Fax: 0824-25244897
    Email: [email protected]
    [email protected]