Rubber Business in India
The Rubber Business in India is one of the oldest industries in the country. Rubber has been one of the most important commercial crops in India. Rubber is an important commodity in our day-to-day life. Rubber is also an important contributor to the rural development. With the rubber business on the rise again, the rubber cultivators have a bright future.
Rubber Business in India-Important points
The Rubber Business in India is on the rise at present
The production of rubber in the year 2006 was 6.49 lakh tonnes
Last Updated on 19 May 2011
Rubber Business in India-Important points
- The consumption of rubber in the year 2006 was 7.18 lakh tonnes
- The rubber business in India has huge potentials but the it needs to the improve the techniques of production
- In order to encourage export of natural rubber, the Rubber Board of India provides subsidy on export
- The Government subsidy on the export of natural rubber is one of the most disputed matter pertaining to the rubber business in India
- Traditional Regions: Natural rubber is cultivated in the remote areas of southwest Konkan and Malabar coast, in Kerala and the Kanyakumari District of Tamil Nadu
- Non-traditional Regions: Natural rubber is also cultivated in the remote coastal areas of Karnataka, Konkan region of Maharashtra, Goa, remote regions of Orissa and Andhra Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and the Northeastern States.
- The rubber cultivation requires humid climate
- The average annual rainfall should be around 2000-4500 mm
- The temperature should be around warm to very warm
- Both the south west monsoon and the north east monsoon helps in the rubber cultivation
- The soil where the rubber is grown is mainly lateritic in nature, but some of the cultivation is also done on alluvial soils and red soils that are well drained, porous, and acidic in nature
- Production of Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS) in September 2007 was 45905 metric tonnes
- Production of Solid Block Rubber in September 2007 was 8660 metric tonnes
- Production of Latex Concentrates in September 2007 was 6800 metric tonnes
- Production of Pale Latex Crepes in September 2007 was 100 metric tonnes
- Consumption of Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS) in September 2007 was 53305 metric tonnes
- Consumption of Solid Block Rubber in September 2007 was 10880 metric tonnes
- Consumption of Latex Concentrates in September 2007 was 6150 metric tonnes
- Consumption of Pale Latex Crepes in September 2007 was 205 metric tonnes
- The export of Natural Rubber till September 2007 was 980 metric tonnes
- The import of Natural Rubber till September 2007 was 9381metric tonnes
Last Updated on 19 May 2011