Wheat Business in India

The Wheat Business in India is one of the major contributors to the rural business and economy. Wheat is one of the major agricultural produce of the country. At present Indian is the second largest producer of wheat in the world. With the onset of the green revolution and other developments in the agricultural sector, the Wheat Business in India was given a major boost.

Wheat in India-Facts

  • Wheat plays an important part in the Indian food economy
  • It is one of the most important staple foods, covering almost the whole country
    • Wheat is consumed in different forms such flour for bread, chapattis, pasta, semolina, noodles, etc
    • Nearly 70 million tonnes of wheat is produced in India every year
    • The wheat production in India contributes to about 12% of the global wheat production
    • Wheat is cultivated in India as a rabi crop, i.e., sown in October and harvested in May
    Wheat Business in India-Growth promotional factors
    • The use of high yielding variety of crops, better irrigation techniques, etc
    • The price stability of the wheat though a major part of the produce is controlled by the private merchants
    • The use of organic fertilizer in order to remove the ill effects so far caused by the synthetic manure
    • The rapid rural development has contributed to the increase in the wheat produce
    Wheat Business in India-Areas of cultivation
    • Wheat production in India is divided into five parts :-
      • North-Western Plains Zone: Plains of Haryana, Punjab, Northern Rajasthan, Jammu and western Uttar Pradesh
      • North Eastern Plains Zone: Eastern Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh Assam, Manipur, Orissa, Nagaland, Mizoram, Bihar, Tripura, and Sikkim
      • Central Zone: South Eastern Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Bundelkhand plateau in Uttar Pradesh
      • Peninsular Zone: Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu
      • Northern Hill Zone: Hilly areas of Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, and Sikkim
    Wheat Business in India-Irrigation
    • The wheat cultivation requires four to six irrigations
    • The first irrigation is for the crown root origination
    • The second and the subsequent irrigations are provided at the time of tillering, flowering, and so forth
    Wheat Business in India-Exports
    • The decline in the U.S. wheat production provides huge scope for the export of wheat cultivated India.
    • The dry conditions of the region of western Asia during the winter has decreased the production of wheat and India has huge opportunities for export of wheat
    • The export of wheat highly depend on the domestic consumption of the cereal
    • The wheat grains can be exported to the other countries if the supply exceeds the demand, i.e. production is more than the consumption
    • The export of wheat in India faces the problem of price. The price of a tonne of wheat in India is $10-$20 more than the international price
    • In order to increase the export, the technology pertaining to the agriculture has to be developed further
    • The lack proper processing facilities, storage space, transportation system, value chain, etc, disfavors the export of wheat from India
    • The absence of well formulated export policy on wheat
    • The lack of proper quality control is also hampering the export of wheat from India

    Last Updated on 19 May 2011