FDI Inflows to Cement and Gypsum Products


FDI Inflows to Cement and Gypsum Products industry in India has registered significant growth in the last few years due to the incentives that have been provided by the government of India. The increase in FDI Inflows to Cement and Gypsum Products in India has helped in the growth and development of the industry.

Cement and Gypsum products industry in India:

The industry of cement and gypsum products in India is the second biggest manufacturer of high grade cement in the whole world. The cement and gypsum products industry in India consists of over 300 small cement plants and around 130 large cement plants with the total production capacity of more than 167.36 million tons.

The different varieties of cement manufactured in India are Oil Well cement, White cement, Portland Pozzolana cement, and Ordinary Portland cement.

FDI policy in cement and gypsum products industry in India:

The government of India has allowed foreign direct investment up to 100% in the cement and gypsum products industry of the country. This has led to the increase in FDI Inflows to Cement and Gypsum Products industry in India.

Amount of FDI inflows to cement and gypsum products industry in India:

The amount of FDI Inflows to Cement and Gypsum Products industry in India came to ` 1,970 crores in 2005, which is a significant growth in FDI in cement and gypsum products over the previous years.

International companies having presence in cement and gypsum products industry in India are:
  • Lafarge
  • Italcementi
  • Heidelberg Cements
  • Holcim

FDI inflows to cement and gypsum products in India have boosted the industry:

The increased FDI Inflows to Cement and Gypsum Products industry in India has led to the growth, expansion, and development of the industry. As a result of this the quality of the cement and gypsum products has improved a great deal.

Last Updated on 4/23/2011