FDI Inflows to Service Sector
The FDI Inflows to Service Sector has helped the development of several industries in the service sector of the Indian Economy, such as Tele Communication, Financial and Non financial, Hotel & Tourism, and many others.FDI Inflows to Service Sector has been phenomenal in the past few years. Since the onset of the liberalization of the Indian economy in 1991, the country has experienced a huge increase in the inflow of Foreign Investments. The service sector in India has tremendous growth potential and as such it has attracted huge Foreign Direct Investments (FDI).
FDI Inflows to Service Sector (2000 -2005)
Year - 2000
- Tele Communication - ` 6855.4 million
- Consultancy Services - ` 209.0 million
- Financial and Non financial - ` 1861.5 million
- Hotel & Tourism - ` 524.0 million
- Trading - ` 1239.8 million
- Total service sector - ` 10689.7 million
- Total FDI Inflows - ` 193417.0 million
- Tele Communication - ` 42671.0 million
- Consultancy Services - ` 2922.9 million
- Financial and Non financial - ` 8202.2 million
- Hotel & Tourism - ` 471.5 million
- Trading - ` 2204.4 million
- Total service sector - ` 56472.1 million
- Total FDI Inflows - ` 192652.0 million
- Tele Communication - ` 9090.7 million
- Consultancy Services - ` 1003.0 million
- Financial and Non financial - ` 15431.4 million
- Hotel & Tourism - ` 2237.9 million
- Trading - ` 1824.2 million
- Total service sector - ` 29587.2 million
- Total FDI Inflows - ` 212860.0 million
- Tele Communication - ` 7272.6 million
- Consultancy Services - ` 2480.3 million
- Financial and Non financial - ` 13904.0 million
- Hotel & Tourism - ` 2594.2 million
- Trading - ` 831.5 million
- Total service sector - ` 27082.6 million
- Total FDI Inflows - ` 143011.0 million
- Tele Communication - ` 6087.84 million
- Consultancy Services - ` 11843.5 million
- Financial and Non financial - ` 11455.83 million
- Hotel & Tourism - ` 1527.23 million
- Trading - ` 682.16 million
- Total service sector - ` 31596.56 million
- Total FDI Inflows - ` 172657.5 million
- Tele Communication - ` 9639.13 million
- Consultancy Services - ` 1627.16 million
- Financial and Non financial - ` 31445.14 million
- Hotel & Tourism - ` 2799.59 million
- Trading - ` 1257.67 million
- Total service sector - ` 46768.69 million
- Total FDI Inflows - ` 192990.9 million
- Service Sector
- Computer Software & Hardware
- Telecommunications
- Construction Activities
- Automobile Industry
- Power
- Chemicals
- Real Estate
- Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
- Electrical Equipments
- Cement & Gypsum Products
- Metallurgical Industries
- Food Processing Industries
- Electronics
- Consultancy Services
- Petroleum & Natural Gas
- Hotel & Tourism
- Trading
- Textiles
- Information & broadcasting
- Sea Transport
- Fermentation Industries
- Hospital & Diagnostic Centers
- Air Transport
- Rubber Goods
- Machine Tools
- Ports
- Industrial Machinery
- Agricultural Machinery
- Paper and Pulp
- Agriculture Services
- Diamond, Gold Ornaments
- Commercial,Household Equipments
- Glass
- Industrial Instruments
- Photographic Raw Film & Paper
- Scientific Instruments
- Non-conventional Energy
- Leather and Leather Goodsg
- Tea and Coffee
- Sugar
- Vegetable Oils & Vanaspati
- Railway Related Components
- Education
- Fertilizers
- Earth-moving Machinery
- Printing of Books
- Soaps,Cosmetics & Toilet
- Medical & Surgical Appliances
- Mining
- Ceramics
- Boilers & Steam Generating Plants
- Dye-stuffs
- Coal Production
- Coir
- Timber Products
- Defense Industries