FDI Inflows to Railway Related Components


FDI Inflows to Railway Related Components industry in India has grown over the last few years due to the several incentives that have been provided by the government of India. 100% FDI is allowed in Railway Related Components in India.

Railway related components industry in India:

The industry of railway related components in India supplies its products to the Indian railways and it also exports its products to foreign countries. The various kinds of products manufactured by the railway related components industry in India are locomotives lights, signals, slack adjusters, track fittings, round shaft chisels, and braking systems. The major companies in the industry of railway related components in India are Gondwana Enterprises, Involute Engineers and Industries, Elbe Industrial Works, and Patel Engineering Company.

Policy of FDI in railway related components:

The Indian government has allowed foreign direct investment up to 100% in the railway related components industry of the country. The government of India also gives various incentives to the foreign investors such as exemption from paying income tax in order to increase FDI Inflows to Railway Related Components industry of the country.

Amount of FDI inflows to railway related components industry in India:

The Indian government has approved the FDI proposal of Westinghouse Air brake Company to make an investment of around ` 42.00 crores for the manufacture and marketing of railway related components in the country.

Flow of FDI has encouraged railway related components industry in India:
The increased FDI Inflows to Railway Related Components industry in India has led to the growth, development, and expansion of the industry. It has also helped to bring in the latest technology into the industry of railway related components. All these measures have helped to improve the quality of the products of railway related components industry in India.

Last Updated on 4/23/2011