Civil Aviation Policy

The Civil Aviation Ministry is evolving a draft Civil Aviation Policy that would increase foreign direct investment ceiling, liberalize bilaterals and move towards an `Open Sky,' encourage the promotion of Regional Airlines, lower fares to make aviation affordable and remove price monopolies in respect of Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF).
Mission Of Civil Aviation Policy

The main aim of the Civil Aviation Policy is to maintain a competitive Civil Aviation Environment which ensures safety and security in accordance with international standards, promotes efficient, cost-effective and orderly growth of air transport and contributes to social and economic development of the country.

Strategic Objectives Of Civil Aviation Policy

The objectives of this Civil Aviation Policy are the creation and continued facilitation of a competitive and service-oriented Civil Aviation Environment in which:
  • the interests of the users of civil aviation are the guiding force behind all decisions, systems and arrangements.

  • safe, efficient , reliable and widespread quality air transport services are provided at reasonable prices.

  • there exists a well-defined regulatory framework catering to changing needs and circumstances.

  • all players and stakeholders are assured of a level playing field.

  • private participation is encouraged and opportunities created for investors to realize adequate returns on their investments.

Regulatory Framework
In the context of a multiplicity of airlines, airport operators (including private sector), and the possibility of oligopolistic practices, there is need for an autonomous regulatory authority which could work as a watchdog, as well as a facilitator for the sector, prescribe and enforce minimum standards for all agencies, settle disputes with regard to abuse of monopoly and ensure level playing field for all agencies. Therefore, a statutory autonomous Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) will be constituted. The basic objectives of setting up of the Authority will be to ensure aviation safety, security and effective regulation of air transport in the country in the liberalized environment.

Airport Infrastructure
The Government will aim at ensuring adequate world class Airport Infrastructure capacity in accordance with demand, ensuring maximum utilization of available capacities and efficiently managing the Airport Infrastructure by increasing involvement of private sector.

Aviation Support Services
The role of Aviation Support Services like human resource development, maintenance facilities and manufacture of aircraft is very important, as these are the backbone of Civil Aviation Services. These services should be available in state-of-art condition in adequate supply in accordance with demand. For this, the role of private sector needs to be emphasized.

  • A number of department/ agencies are involved in the development of Civil Aviation Infrastructure and facilitating the convenience of the traveling public. Inter-linkages with other modes of transport for travel and trade need to be emphasised.

  • An Inter-Ministerial Standing Committee will be constituted for coordination with Ministries of Commerce, Tourism, Industry, Railways, Surface Transport, Defence, Home Affairs (Immigration and Security), Finance (Customs) and External Affairs.