India Telecom Policy


The India Telecom Policy adopted by the Government aims at improving India's competitiveness in the global market and rapid growth of exports. Another element of the India Telecom Policy is attracting foreign direct investment and stimulating domestic investment. Telecommunication Services of world class quality are necessary for the success of this India Telecom Policy. It is, therefore, necessary to give the highest priority to the development of Telecom Services in the country.


The objectives of the India Telecom Policy will be as follows :

The focus of the India Telecom Policy shall be Telecommunication for all and Telecommunication within the reach of all. This means ensuring the availability of telephone on demand as early as possible.

Another objective will be to achieve universal service covering all villages as early as possible. What is meant by the expression universal service is the provision of access to all people for certain basic Telecom Services at affordable and reasonable prices.

The quality of Telecom Services should be of world standard. Removal of consumer complaints, dispute resolution and public interface will receive special attention. The objective will also be to provide widest permissible range of services to meet the customer's demand at reasonable prices.

Taking into account India's size and development, it is necessary to ensure that India emerges as a major manufacturing base and major exporter of Telecom Equipment.

The defence and security interests of the country will be protected.

Basic Services:
With a view to supplement the effort of the Department Of Telecommunications in providing Telecommunication Services to the people, companies registered in India will be allowed to participate in the expansion of the Telecommunication Network in the area of basic Telephone Services also. These companies will be required to maintain a balance in their coverage between urban and rural areas. Their conditions of operation will include agreed tariff and revenue sharing arrangements.

Pilot Projects:
Pilot projects will be encouraged directly by the Government in order to access new technologies and new systems in the services provided.

In order to implement the India Telecom Policy, suitable arrangements will have to be made like
  • protect and promote the interests of the consumers
  • ensure fair competition.