Tips to Use Twitter for Business

Twitter is a social networking website where one can send and read messages of others referred to as 'tweets'. The messages are displayed on the profile page of the sender and are delivered to the subscribers (known as 'followers') of the sender. Though the site was developed to provide a platform to the users where one can communicate with his/her friends, however Twitter is more than a social networking site these days.

What makes twitter different from others?
  • Microblogging service limiting messages up to 140 characters.
  • No pings and buzz or no unwanted friend requests like messenger
  • You can say what you want to say anytime from anywhere – no format just plain text
  • Everything is public (except protected profile where tweets not in public line) i.e. visible to others

Various Tips to Use Twitter for Business

Now the big question is how twitter can help you grow your business? Let's see how Twitter helps one in business purposes. Complete your profile page

Your profile is the first place which anyone would see and gather information about you. Your profile page should be complete with latest information for fields such as a one line biodata, location, website url, and your name. You can also go ahead and create personalized twitter backgrounds for your twitter pages.

Build Your Network

As Twitter is a social networking website, the biggest advantage of using Twitter is that, it helps you to build and grow your own network. As a business owner, you can interact with your customers and prospective customers through Twitter. You can build your own network, where you will have followers. Your followers can get update about your company. You can increase your follower through various techniques like informative tweets, regular communication with other users, providing useful data and research reports etc.

The most important factor in building and enhancing your network is to earn the credibility of other users. You need to be a good reader and pay attention to what others others are tweeting about and have conversation with them. It will help you win the trust of your follower; your credibility will be established slowly. Remember, it is a time-taking process and you need to invest some time to win the trust of others.

Tips on Tweeting

Make your tweets crisp and informative. Provide information which could prove to be helpful for your clients and prospective clients. Reply any query raised by others. Your tweets should also have information on your products and services. Latest updates about your organization, information about any upcoming products can also be given. By this way, you can also market your products/services.

Don't stick to your business only. You should tweet on other topics as well. You need to create a brand for yourself by sharing information, adding value to what others tweet and interacting with others.

More on Business Network Building

Concentrate more on building business network. Find out the groups that discuss various topics on the area of your business. Listen to the discussion of the groups; provide information that would provide valuable inputs to the discussion.

If any user asks you a question, you can give a brief reply to his/her question and provide a link in your tweet to another page (which you have created) where you have more detailed information on the asked topic.

You can also participate in Twitter Chats related to your business area.

Event Promotion

You can use Twitter as a promotional tool. If you are organizing an event, seminar, exhibition, webinar or giving a presentation, you can create interest on the same through Twitter. Start tweeting about the event a few days prior to the beginning of the event. Your tweet should also describe how the event can help people. You can also learn about the public response on the event through Twitter.

Generate Opportunities

You can generate opportunities for your business through Twitter. Enter in your status updates with questionnaire. These will be open ended sales/marketing questionnaire which will help you to take your sales process to the next level. It will help you to generate leads as well.

Recruitments through twitter

You can also imagine getting a job through twitter. These says many companies post their vacancies as tweets on their twitter profiles. Also many recruitment companies and websites such as are actively posting on twitter.

Last Updated on 7th July 2011