Direction of India's Trade, India Exports

Trading relation of India among the other countries over the world have enriched from time to time through its reform process.

As to the reports, 47% of India's exports were meant for Asia and Oceania in terms of Dollar in the year 2005-06. Even most of India's imports were from Asia and Oceania.

The direction of India's Foreign Trade with various countries over the world in the recent years as follows:

(` crores)
Region Exports
2004-05 2005-06
West Europe 19501.2 24563
East Europe 178.98 178.98
CIS and BALTIC States 1088.61 1232.42
Russia 631.26 729.89
Asia and Oceania 39994.39 48222.08
Africa 5572 7138.66
America 16812.43 21193.2
Latin American Countries 2160.63 2955.96

(` crores)
Region Exports
2004-05 2005-06
West Europe 25428.45 29834.8
East Europe 193.09 311.24
CIS and BALTIC States 1960.07 2886.52
Russia 1322.74 1992.01
Asia and Oceania 39707.72 49297.49
Africa 4008.65 4683.93
America 9810.28 11064.54
Latin American Countries 2019.33 2372.12