Anco Communications Ltd

Anco Communications Ltd - About the Company

Anco Communications Ltd was integrated in 1986 as a public limited firm under the stipulations of the Companies Act, 1956. It duly acquired its authorization of starting its business from Registrar of Companies, Karnataka in the same year. ANCO Communications Limited was previously a technically competent and practiced small size firms that were already in the telecom sector with an aim of developing a competence of producing Telecom products. The concept was pioneering for its Indian clients.

In an attempt to expand its business operations for the production of Satellite Communication tools in India, particularly V-SATs the firm signed Memorandum of understanding pact in 1994. This attempt was taken for Technical tie up with U.S. based Satellite Engineering Group, for the production and deployment of V-SATs to the Telecom department and other competent clients.

In 1995, the firm made a foray into the capital market and employed a strategy of partly sponsoring its schemes through IPO of 27, 45,355 equity share of worth Rs 10 each, amounting entirely to Rs.274.54 lacs. Later in 1996, the firm signed promotional pacts with M/s Inter Active Media Technologies Inc based in Florida for offering Call Back facilities for clients who have knowledge in offering Voice Mail Services.

In 1997, the firm made a foray into non-traditional energy sector for telecom appliances and is still aiming to expand its product portfolio into Non-DoT products that has a considerable market reach.

In the year 1998 the firm attained ISO authorization for the maintenance of excellence in its network of products. The firm has technical tie-ups with Bits & Bytes Inc based in US and Comsat RSI Global Communications Inc for the production of tools for Satcom supply chain the nation. In 2000, the firm signed a joint venture pact with Bits and Bytes to produce and trade various products associated with satellite communication.

Anco Communications Ltd - Achievements

Some of the major achievement of Anco Communications Ltd is described as under:
  • The firm was felicitated with twin honors for output and for quality that was prominent from the self authorization ranking.

  • It attained the standing of self authorized from the Telecommunications Department for delivering Zero faults products on incessant basis.

  • In 1993 the firm signed a pact with the Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) for the relocation of expertise.

  • In 1996, the firm undertook the scheme for introducing Public Mobile Trunking Radio facilities in Mangalore and Bangalore with the employment of expertise from Motorola, USA. Following this it became the foremost company to bring in these facilities under the product name of Anco Team Phone.

Anco Communications Ltd - Products

Anco Communications Ltd is the trader of all types of telecom tools. Some of them are mentioned as below:
  • Switching diffusion,
  • Terminal products
  • Solar components,
  • Solar lamp,
  • Solar street lighting
  • Household lighting

Anco Communications Ltd - Financial Details

The financial performance of Anco Communications Ltd as on March 2001 against 2000 is mentioned as below:

--- 31st March 2001 31st October 2000
Net sales 84.06 42.80
Other Revenue 8.80 19.64
Total Revenue 92.86 62.45
Value of merchandize traded 81.59 61.70
PAT -7.41 -14.14
Equity Assets 0.00 120.41
Debt Equity ratio 0.00 0.56
Working margin (%) 12.1 1.2
Net margin (% of
Operating Interest)
-8.0 -22.6

Anco Communications Ltd - Contact Details

Registered Office
B-41/42, ITI Industrial Estate,
Phone: 91-80-8512913, 8512915, 8510439
Fax: 91-80-8510838