Policy Initiatives by Govt. of India in the Telecommunication Sector

Policy Initiatives by Govt. of India in the Telecommunication Sector have been one of the largest causes for the success of the telecom market in India. The national parties before the administrative unit have lifted private telecom units based on license-fee.

The government of India has adopted a new economic policy for the telecommunication market in India. This policy has been effective from 1994 and the Govt. of India with the aim to accelerate India's growth in export production and international market formulated it. The national telecom policy as has been designed by the government of India also ensures foreign direct investment and exhilarating domestic investiture. This national economic policy of telecom department demands superior quality telecommunication services and therefore the development of telecom services are to be given the utmost importance to attain the peak of success. The national telecom policy covers the following objectives:
  • Telephone should be made available every where which will be in need of it
  • All the villages should be entitled to universal telecom services, that is, all the people should be able to enjoy the telecom services at low-priced range
  • The telecom services should be of global standard and all the grievances from consumers, disputations and public interface should be taken care of at the earliest possible time
  • India being one of the biggest country should encompass a major manufacturing unit as well as exporter of the telecom products across the globe
  • The telecom department is also responsible for the security issues of the country
At present, about 0.8 percent of Indians possess telephones as compare to around 10 percent of telephone owners per hundred persons. The statistics is also quite less than many developing countries of Asia such as, China which has 1.7 percent of persons possessing telephones, Pakistan with 2 percent, and Malaysia having 13 percent of the same. The government of India has planned up for a revision of the VII Telecom plan for 1997 and set some new targets for it. The targets for the revised telecom plan demands the availability of telephone as per the requirement, by 1997 all the villages should be availed the telecom facilities, a PCO should be set up within the range of every 500 persons in urban areas, the globally organized value added services in the telecom department should also be introduced in India to make its standard at par with the global market.

Policy Initiatives by Govt. of India in the Telecommunication Sector also include the new telecom policy which was formulated by the government of India in 1999 has been designed by the government of India with the aim to create an ambiance that will attract foreign direct investment and will also permit infrastructure for communication purposes by making investments on technological development. The following sectors in the telecommunication department should be licensed:
  • All the telecommunication or telegraphed services should be licensed that might cover any geographical region by using any kind of technology
  • License for an integrated access to cellular services within a specific area
Policy Initiatives by Govt. of India in the Telecommunication Sector also covers broadband policy effective from 2004 that implies availing Internet connectivity in the houses as per their requirement as well as tele-calling services. The broadband service offered by the telecommunication department includes tele-education, tele-medicine, e-governance, entertainment along with employment generation with the help of high-speed access to information and web-based communication.

Last Updated on 27 June 2011