Telecommunication Sector Opportunities in India

Telecommunication Sector Opportunities in India have grown phenomenally in the past 3 years as has been surveyed by Indian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in New Delhi very recently. The telecom sector is one of the leading contributors to India's flourishing economy.

According to the report presented by taking into account the statement of Indian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, the telecom opportunities in India has been growing by 20 to 40 percent every year since past 3 years. The telecom services in India have been recognized as a world-class tool for the socio-economic development in India. India is known to rank fourth in the telecom industry in Asia after China, Japan, and South Korea and the telecom network in India is known to stand in the eighth position across the globe and second among the emerging economies.

The tele-density has grown leaps and bounds in the past few years from 2.3 percent in 1999 to 4.8 percent in 2002. The world average percentage for the telecom industry as against the Indian average is 7.5 times while the Asian average against the same was 4.5 times. The current market range of the telecommunication industry in India has been estimated to USD 8 billion and this is expected to undergo an accretion by the end of 2012.

The growth witnessed by the telecom market in India has increased the number of opportunities for the industry and this has been fueled by the growing mobile sector, which has attained the consumer level of 10 million by the end of December 2002 that was almost 100 percent in the year. This outstanding growth in the mobile sector explains the advent of digital cellular technology and reduced tariffs as a consequence of competitive pressures. The growth in the cellular subscribers has surpassed the benchmark of subscriber base. The telecom market has increased dramatically with the advent of Wireless in Local Loop Technology.

Telecommunication Sector Opportunities in India assures a transparent, safe, and secured ambiance for the telecom market. Around 300 million population of highly consumable middle-class status that is advantageous for the industry surrounds the telecom sector in India. This is because, in some of the Indian that possess land line telephones can be substituted by mobile phones that is very unlike the developed countries. Therefore, it adds up to the growth in mobile sector in Indian telecom industry.

Few more Telecommunication Sector Opportunities in India include introduction of Internet telephony services, privatization of VSNL, and introduction of a number of international long distance services sector. The opportunities in the Indian telecom sector is increasing at a massive pace with the introduction of newer and innovative schemes in various sectors and at present the telecom sector in India is claimed to be one of the major contributors in India's flourishing economy.

Last Updated on 27 june 2011