Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

About BSNL

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited popularly also known as BSNL is an India-based telecommunication service providing company. BSNL operates under the guardianship of the Ministry of Communication, Government of India and Department of Telecommunication, Government of India. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited operates according to the telecommunication policy laid as per the Indian Telecommunication Acts and Rules.

BSNL was established on 1.10.2000, as a result of the revamping of the erstwhile Department of Telecommunication, Government of India.

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited is world's 7th largest telecommunications company, with a huge bouquet of telecommunications services. The services offered by BSNL includes wireline, CDMA mobile, GSM Mobile, Internet, broadband, carrier service, MPLS-VPN, VSAT, VoIP services, IN Services etc. It is one of the fast growing and most profitable organization of Government of India.

Latest Financials of BSNL

As of 2009-10, the Company had a net worth of US$ 19.26 billion, Authorized Equity capital of US $ 2.22 billion, Paid up Equity Share Capital of US $ 1.11 billion and Revenue is US $ 7.13 billion.

Stastical Facts for 2009-10
ParticularsFigures in Rs. Crores
Net Worth86476
Authorized Equity Capital10000
Paid up Share Capital5000

Financial position over last 5 years (figures in Rs. Crores)
Financial YearRevenueInvestment In Fixed AssetsGross Fixed Assets

Position of BSNL as of 2010-2011

  • BSNL enjoys market leadership amongst all telecommunication operators in India. As on July 2011, BSNL had -
  • Cellular Phone Customers - 90.09 million
  • WLL customers - 5.06 million
  • Broadband customers - 8.09 million
  • Wireline Phone subscribers - 24.58 million
This gigantic Indian telecommunication company offers seamless service to its customers and it and enjoys market dominance in the area of basic telephony, rural telephony and Internet connection. 3G Facility has been given to all 2G connections of BSNL. In basic services, BSNL is miles ahead of its rivals, with 71.93% share of the wireline subscriber base. During the 2010-11, turnover of BSNL was around Rs. 29,700 Crores.

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited is dedicatedly working towards bridging the gap between the rural and urban India digital divide in the ICT sector. It has gain tremendous popularity due to its competitive pricing of tariffs. Further, to retain its market dominance as a market leader it has formulated aggressive plans for expansion of its cellular network as per the policy laid in the Tenth Telecommunication Plan of India. BSNL has one of the widest and deepest telecommunication networks in India. The company is equipped with a state-of-the-art Telecommunication Training Institute, which holds ISO 9000 certification.

Some of the key notable points about BSNL are as follows -
  • Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has around 47.3 million line basic telephone capacity
  • BSNL has around 4 million WLL capacity and 20.1 million Global System for Mobile
  • Communications (GSM) capacity
  • It is equipped with more than 37382 fixed telephone exchanges, 18000 BTS, 287 satellite stations, 480196 Rkm of OFC cable and 63730 Rkm of microwave network
  • Its network serves 7330 cities and towns, 602 districts and 5.5 lakh villages across India
  • Cell One cellular service has more than 17.8 million subscribers representing around 25% of all mobile users of India
  • BSNL has 35.1 million of basic telephony subscribers representing 85% of the landline subscriber base of India
  • It has more than 2.5 million WLL customers
  • It has 2.5 million Internet subscribers, using access modes like Dial-up, leased line, DIAS, account less Internet
  • Aiming to increase its present customer base from 47 millions to 125 million lines by the end of December 2007
The products and services offered by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. are as follows -
  • BSNL Landline
  • BSNL Mobile
  • BSNL Internet
  • BSNL Broadband
  • ISDN
  • Leased line
  • Intelligent Network
  • Video conferencing
  • Audio conferencing
  • Enterprise solutions
  • I-Net
  • Telegraph
  • Data communication
Contact details of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. are as follows -
Corporate Office:
Bharat Sanchar Bhavan
Harish Chandra Mathur Lane
Janpath, New Delhi-110 001
Fax: +91-11-23765296

Last updated on 1/12/2012