Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited

Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited popularly known as MTNL is an India-based telecommunication service providing company. MTNL operates under the guardianship of the Ministry of Communication, Government of India and Department of Telecommunication, Government of India. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited operates according to the telecommunication policy laid as per the Indian Telecommunication Acts and Rules. MTNL enjoyed virtual market monopoly till the end of the year 2000.

Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited operates in two major metro cities of India, Mumbai and Delhi and this giant telecommunication company enjoyed complete market leadership till the aforesaid time. With the entry of private players in the cities of Mumbai and Delhi, Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited lost its market monopoly. Competitive tariff schemes and lightening fast services are the main strengths of these private players and they took away with a major chunk of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited market share of subscribers. This led to lowering of tariff by the Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited.

This gigantic telecommunication company of India has grown in leaps and bounds and it offers seamless service to its customers. This Indian telecommunication company is one of the market leaders in the Indian telecommunication industry and enjoys market dominance in the area of basic telephony, rural telephony and Internet connection. Further, it has gain tremendous popularity due to its competitive pricing of tariffs.

Further, to retain its market dominance as a market leader in Mumbai and Delhi, MTNL has aggressive plans of expansions of its cellular network as per the policy laid in the Tenth Telecommunication Plan of India. Furthermore, the company is also planning to expand its Internet services and IT related services to help it grow along the lines of other major telecommunication players operating in India. As per the latest company policy in accordance with the tenth telecommunication plan of India, the company is expected to add 27.56 lakh basic telephone connections along with 11.57 lakh cellular phone connections. Moreover, Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited is making in roads in the field of M-commerce, which will eventually facilitate its customers to transact business via mobile phone or equivalent hand held devices.

Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited Net Current Assets stands at `44186.71 million for the financial year ended 31st March 2006 - 2007and the company's Net Profit stands at `6817.36 million over the same period. Mr R S P Sinha, Manging Director and Chairman, of the company, head this leading telecommunication company.

The products and services offered by Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited are as follows -
  • Triband Broadband
  • Internet Services
  • Internet Express
  • Bol Anmol Internet Telephony
  • Leased Line
  • Dolphin Mobile
  • Garuda WLL
  • Basic Telephony
  • ISDN
  • INET
  • International Private Leased Circuit (IPLC) Service
  • National Private Leased Circuit (NPLC)
  • Internet Leased Line Service
  • Managed Data Network Service
  • Virtual Private Network Service
  • Broadcast
  • Data Center Services
  • Video Conferencing
  • Corporate Net Telephony
  • Messaging and Collaboration Services
  • Ethernet WAN Services
  • International Long Distance
  • National Long Distance
  • Calling Cards
The latest mission statement of the MTNL is as follows -
  • To be a total telecommunication solution providing company
  • To provide world class telecommunication services at affordable prices across its operating circles
  • To be a global telecommunication company
  • To be in the list of 'Fortune 500' companies
  • To be the largest provider of private networks and leased lines across Delhi and Mumbai
  • To explore other areas of business which compliments their strengths, both in the domestic market and international markets
Contact details of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited are as follows -

Internet Helpline Services
In Case of Difficulties or Suggestions to this site
Contact Us :
MTNL New Delhi Office
Tel: 1504,22221504 23359273,23359595,23359696
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

In Case of Difficulties or Suggestions to this site
contact Us:
MTNL Mumbai Office
Tel: 1600118844 ,24331408,24331409
Email: [email protected]

Mumbai: 9869012345
Email: [email protected]

1502 (from MTNL Network)
22221502 (from other Network).
Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Last updated on 05thMay 2011