Indian Finance Company
This site provides comprehensive information on India Finance Company. It also focuses on its offerings to finance market in India.
The post 1990s brought about a paradigm shift in the scenario of Indian financial market. The economic renaissance brought by liberation of Indian economy had a stupendous effect on Indian economy. The Indian financial market was previously insulated from foreign investor. Modern and liberal economic policies facilitated large foreign direct investments / FDI inflow to the Indian market. The rise in business activities and its subsequent rise in financial activities led to the need of financiers in India. India Finance Company offers the following types of products to its customers with easy repayment facilities, like -
- Personal Loan - Loan without any guarantee or security from ` 0.50 lac to ` 25 Lac. The Loan is given on the basis of Financials such as ITR, Salary Slip or Form 16 or on the basis of track record as running or completed EMIs for loan as home, personal or vehicle.
- Home Loan - Home Loan, ` 5 lac to ` 10 lac for Salaried / Businessman. The loan can be taken to buy, renovate or construct a house or an apartment. The loan eligibility is calculated by seven different methods such as Income, Track Basis, Banking, Liquid Income, Credit Card or Life Insurance etc.
- Car Loan - Loans up to 90% of the car value & 100% in some cases are offered. Car Loans are offered for old or used cars or for purchase of new cars. Loan amount is calculated on the basis of one's repaying capacity.
- Cash Credit - A secured working capital loan, offered on the basis of turnover and debtors and creditors and stock in hand, security of property required.
- Consumer Loan - Consumer Loans are offered for purchase of consumer durable items viz. TV, Refrigerator, Washing machine, Air conditioner & other home appliances at reasonable rates.
- Loan Against Property - Loan Against Property on commercial or residential are offered at competitive rates.
- Loan Against Rent Income - Loans Up to 90% of discounted value of future rent receivable are offered.
- Business Loan - Business Loans are available for Manufacturer,Trader, School,Trust, College, Institution and Other Businesses. This loan can be availed without any guarantee or security. The loan eligibility is calculated on the basis of Profit and Loss account and IT Returns.
- Loan against Securities - Loans up to 90% of the Security value is offered. Loans are available against fixed deposit receipt, National Saving Certificate (NSC), Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP), Government Bonds, Debentures etc.
- Loan against Shares - Loan against Shares up to 60% of the present value are offered. Loan amount is calculated on the basis of the valuation of share in the market.
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