Finance Lender in India
This site provides comprehensive information on Finance Lender in India . It also focuses on products and services offered by the financiers in India.
The post 1990 era marked the beginning of a new chapter in the Indian financial market. The economic renaissance brought about by amendments to the Indian economic policy had a positive effect on the Indian economic scenario. The Indian financial market which was previously insulated , was thrown open to private and foreign investors. Previous legal glitches in the Indian economy were arrested and rectified to be at par with the global economy. Modern and liberal economic policies facilitated large foreign direct investments/FDI inflow to the Indian market. The stupendous rise in business activities and its subsequent rise in financial activities led to the need for more and more finance lenders in India. All public sector banks, private sector banks and some specialized financing institutions lend to individuals and corporate bodies.
Finance Lender in India offers the following types of products to its individual customers with easy repayment facilities, like -
- Personal Loan.
- Home Loan.
- Car Loan.
- Cash Credit.
- Consumer Loan.
- Loan Against Property.
- Loan Against Rent Income.
Finance lenders in India also offer finance to corporate bodies. Corporate financiers or lenders focus on the provision of corporate advice and funding for Indian companies to encash on the liquidity of the Indian financial markets. Finance lenders in India provides the following products to the corporate finance borrower:
- Corporate Finance .
- Debt and equity funding.
- Start up and Growth capital.
- Pre-IPO finance.
- Real Estate Sales and Acquisition.
- Company Sales and Acquisitions.
Finance lenders in India lend corporate finance to entrepreneurial clients, whether individuals or businesses, and provide funds and investments for entrepreneurial activities. Finance lenders in India have an extensive network of investors, funding institutions, and group of corporate associates. Finance lenders in India, apart from offering finances also offer professional, personalized service and expertise to clients and helps them maximize returns on their investments.
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