2010 Budget Education Industry Expectations

There is several expectations from the 2010 budget education industry in India. Over the years there has been a steady rise in the cost of education in India over the years is a cause of deep concern for the people. It is a cause of worry when it comes to higher education as it makes the need for educational loans imperative.

Among the common expectations of the 2010 budget education industry in India is a continuity of the certain tax reliefs in education. There are tax deductions allotted over expenditures made for educational reasons on account of dependant children. Deductions are also allowed in case of the interest paid for educational loans taken for the children. Budget allocations are expected in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan for the promotion of education among rural areas of India. Benefits like mid day meals are also expected to increase attendance in schools.

Due to the sever increase of prices in 2009 the main focus of the people is on a price check by the government in all areas of expenditure. A general increase of prices of essential commodities has also led to a speculation about the same in other services like education. There is also a need for more schools to be built. The quality of education needs to be improved as well.

ANNESHA NEOGI, City:-Meghalaya, Posted On :-2010-02-01 17:26:00
I want it to come down
naresh, City:-Gujarat, Posted On :-2010-02-02 10:42:14
, City:-Bangalore, Posted On :-2010-02-02 10:55:29
it >3.5 lac
s.kumar, City:-Mumbai, Posted On :-2010-02-03 15:57:17
income slap limit sholud be more thane 1.8 for meddil class
narender singh, City:-Haryana, Posted On :-2010-02-05 20:55:41
increase limit of taxable income.check inflation drastically.100% children edu.refund
anmol, City:-Uttar Pradesh, Posted On :-2010-02-06 15:05:56
increase job opportunities
, City:-, Posted On :-2010-02-07 14:38:01
Increase the limit of Income Tax Slab
basvaraj, City:-Karnataka, Posted On :-2010-02-09 13:01:48
impruve the Roods,joining the river.
Prashant Pathak, City:-, Posted On :-2010-02-09 18:08:34
must consider those come below of poverty line & students
chandan, City:-Orissa, Posted On :-2010-02-10 12:46:59
Moumita Dey, City:-Orissa, Posted On :-2010-02-10 14:44:54
Reduce Poverty,Increase education,better plan dor educated unemplyed
ca irfan shaikh, City:-Indore, Posted On :-2010-02-11 11:45:03
sir. I am Expection for this Session Budget Fully Direct looking in Employer Woking. And Behavior for Employees
annu, City:-Allahabad, Posted On :-2010-02-11 12:33:58
decrease the price of basic food grain, launch welfare schme for poor who has no BPL card while poor than BPL card holder
D.Y. MURALIDHARA RAO, City:-Bangalore, Posted On :-2010-02-12 16:25:25
personal income tax burden not to exceed 10% of the total gross income, simplified only one rate structure across all income groups, as an essential basic social charge. scrap all cumbursome laws/processes to help citizens. all land, property related transactions to be electronoically (online) managed by central govt/agencies as the state agencies are ineeficient and corrupt. All urban local bodies to be under the purview of central government UDD
samrat, City:-Orissa, Posted On :-2010-02-14 16:07:32
i want govt should care for education, law& order
siva, City:-Kota, Posted On :-2010-02-15 12:04:13
edcational loan

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