2010 Budget IT/ITES Industry Expectations

The IT/ITES Sector of India has been a major contributor to the growth of the GDP in the last few years. However due to the ongoing recession in 2009 it witnessed a period of stalled growth prospects. There was a considerable loss of jobs as well as a dearth of newer growth opportunities for the IT and ITES companies. Incoming investment and business opportunities declined. At present the IT/ITES sector needs a breather from the repercussions of the economic crisis of last year. The 2010 Budget therefore holds a great deal of hopes for this sector.

Officially the recession is over. In the 2010 Budget the IT and ITES industry expectations hover around the possibilities of growth prospects and increased job openings in the sector. The primary concern of this sector at present lies with the future of its BPO segment. The lack of outsourcing from the USA during the recession days coupled with the plans of Barack Obama to cut down on outsourcing makes for tough days ahead. There is a lot of hope lying on governmental efforts as the ITES sector make for a considerable part of the export earnings.

Tax benefits similar to those of the prior budget like exemption of service tax and extension of tax holidays will be welcome.

Simarprit Singh, City:-, Posted On :-2010-02-02 12:16:06
Budget should increase government spending and reduce government corruption. We need to reduce the size of parallel economy
Vinod Suryavanshi, City:-Bangalore, Posted On :-2010-02-03 09:35:25
Raja, City:-Allahabad, Posted On :-2010-02-04 09:44:52
Day-to-Day commodities rate should be reduced
Ashok Jain, City:-Gurgaon, Posted On :-2010-02-08 20:12:06
low taxation
Venu Gopal, City:-Hyderabad, Posted On :-2010-02-08 21:55:28
Income Tax exemption should be increased
Ashok Sangwan, City:-Delhi, Posted On :-2010-02-10 10:50:46
Inflation must be decrease on immdt. basis
P MOHAN NAIR, City:-Bangalore, Posted On :-2010-02-11 14:24:38
tax exemption
AMOS NAMANGA TEKE, City:-Bihar, Posted On :-2010-02-11 14:31:53
madhav sharan richhariya , City:-Bhopal, Posted On :-2010-02-13 10:25:53
just try to countrol the inflation
Vaibhav Telang, City:-Pune, Posted On :-2010-02-16 09:44:22
More efforts towards improving education and health of people

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