2010 Budget Sugar Industry Expectations

India is a major source of sugar and sugarcane. The sugar industry of India is the second biggest manufacturer of sugar after Brazil. At present more than 5million hectare of land is allocated for sugarcane cultivation with a productivity of 69 tonnes on each hectare.

Over the past few years, the Indian sugar industry is giving sleepless nights to the common man by increasing the domestic prices to a great extent. The price rise has attained new heights due to supply scarcity. The consumption demand of sugar in India is around 23 m tones while the production is less than 16 m tones a year.

2010 Budget Sugar Industry Expectations are the decontrolling of the sugar industry by the government in terms of costs and tariff allocation, re- establishing sugar trading measures, abolition of release order device, improving productivity by introducing improved technology, revitalization of financially unwell units via disinvestments, tax exemption till another 5 years and promotion of ethanol. The sugar industry expects the administration to include the ethanol schemes under section 80-IA of the IT Act. The industry also expects tax relief as well expansion of the income tax advantages to the ethanol schemes.

Swapan Chakrabarti, City:-Jharkhand, Posted On :-2010-02-01 17:25:10
Fast development in Infrastructure and Real Estate. Saving limit for IT relife to raise from 1 Lac to 1.5 lacs for all catagories of salaried persons.
Omprakash, City:-Hyderabad, Posted On :-2010-02-02 21:12:41
MAYURESH GANGURDE, City:-Aurangabad, Posted On :-2010-02-02 22:23:43
luis, City:-Cochin, Posted On :-2010-02-03 03:30:35
to be soo cool
akashu, City:-Chandigarh, Posted On :-2010-02-03 22:00:48
it should bein the hand of coman man
A, City:-Kolkata, Posted On :-2010-02-04 01:09:00
The price of the general comodities should be increased as it is affecting us, the general people.The inflation should be controlled. the hike in price of LPG cylinders and general vegetables and groceries that include pulses,sugar,oil,rice and wheat killing general mass.
Ravindranath Reddy, City:-Hyderabad, Posted On :-2010-02-04 15:53:03
Continue stimulus packages to all types of industries, concentrate on employment generation, invite foreign investments in healthcare, education sectors. Please don\'t encourage for formation of smaller states, make unbeateable our defence system.
vasu, City:-Chennai, Posted On :-2010-02-04 20:29:31
railway freight
jitendra sanghvi, City:-Maharashtra, Posted On :-2010-02-05 20:07:54
Rationlize the indirect taxes, give higher exemption in personal taxes, give more allocation to rural India, provide labour jobs to poors, imporove medical benefits for all
Sagar Kulkarni, City:-Pune, Posted On :-2010-02-07 22:43:51
Salary basic exemption limit to be increased upto ` 5 lac for individuals.
Ashim Kumar Dhar, City:-Orissa, Posted On :-2010-02-07 23:02:18
VIVEK KAUSHIK, City:-Gurgaon, Posted On :-2010-02-10 12:03:06
1. Govt. should increase the limit of income tax from 1.5 lac to minimum 5-7 lac because now a days prices of each all daily need goods have been increased 50% to 100% and in few cases form morethan 100% percent then why we can not increase the income tax slabs. 2. This time on time of finilizing the budget Govt sould keep in mind the benefits and needs of 95% indian populations not the rest 5% and their benefits. 3. Govt. should not increase the cost of those things which complete the basic requirements of 80% populations \"ROTI KAPRA N MAKAN\".
javed ali khan, City:-Lucknow, Posted On :-2010-02-10 17:30:31
NO expection much.but may friendly.
babu, City:-Coimbatore, Posted On :-2010-02-12 15:48:39
Income tax slab to be rised
Subrata Chakraborty, City:-Kolkata, Posted On :-2010-02-12 17:30:28
Reduce subsidies as far as practicable. Expenditures (both planned & non-planned) including Salaries of Govt. employees, pension outgo must be contained in order to control large fiscal defeicits. Personally I will be glad to have air ticketing expenses of foreign travel be considered for tax exemption for fringe benefits like LTA/ELTA. disbursement
S K Ravichandran, City:-Coimbatore, Posted On :-2010-02-13 15:10:16
Housing loan benefit to be continued. Investment ceiling under 80C to be enhanced to 2 Lacs for male and 2.5 L for females. Revision of Tax structure and make a single tax for a salary upto 10 Lacs.
Manguesh Naik, City:-Goa, Posted On :-2010-02-15 10:38:52
A balanced budget,not too hard on the middle class that contributes substantially to the tax collection.Government Control over Pricing mechanism of Petroluem and allied products should continue.Government shoud spend more on social security,education,health and power.Defence outlay should be increased. I do not know as to why the procurement of the 126 fighter aircraft has been languishing so far. It is a serious breach in our defences vis a vis Pakistan & China. This procurement should be fast tracked. More should be spent on rural empowerment, and rural employment. From 100 days work under NREGA it should be hiked to atleast 250 to stop mass migration of rural to urban centres.If the Supreme court has made High security number plates for vehicles cumpolsory for all vehicles, it should be seen that such facilities are available at minimal cost to the general public.APL consumers of PDS should be also allowed some consideration. Inflation has put huge holes in our monthly budget.

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