` 2940 crores worth of turnover.">

DCM Shriram Consolidated

DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd is a world class business organization, based in India. The company was founded in 1889 by Sir Shriram. It was then known as DCM Limited. Currently, DSCL has around ` 2940 crores worth of turnover. The primary business areas of the company are Agri Business, Value Added Business and Energy Intensive Business. The company also produces textiles.

DSCL possesses a robust brand equity. End users of DSCL products range from farmers, business owners, industrial users to house builders. Over the years the company has maintained a solid performance level. The company has a strong presence in the agricultural and Chloro-Vinyl sector.

DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd uses state-of-the-art technology for its production units. The company has successfully paired with various well known domestic and international technology partners. The company has also worked with reputed international and national consultants.

DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd has also gone for a WAN connection of all of its locations. The company employs the ‘SAP R/3 Enterprise Resource Package’.

Some other prime IT enabled services from the company are Business Information Warehousing and Customer Relationship Management. DCM Shriram also offers e-business facilities to its clients.

Latest Financial Figures(Figures in Rs. Crores)
ET 500 Rank(2011)181
Profit after Tax(PAT)-14.27
MCAP (Market Capitalization)764.93

DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd Agri Business operations include the following items.
  • Sugar
  • Hariyali Kisaan Bazaar
  • Urea
  • Shriram Bioseed
  • Agri Inputs
Value Added Businesses from DCM Shriram Consolidated include the following services.
  • Fenesta Building Systems
  • Energy Services
  • PVC Compounds
Under Energy Intensive Businesses the company dabbles in the following sectors.
  • Chemicals
  • Cement
  • PVC Resins
  • Calcium Carbide
DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd has manufacturing plants at the following places.
  • Kota
  • Loni
  • Bharuch
  • Hariawan
  • Ajbapur
  • Rupapur
It is interesting to note that, the company carries out its hybrid seed operations from the following countries.
  • India
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam
  • Philippines
DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd also owns window fabrication units at the following Indian cities.
  • Bhiwadi
  • Chennai
  • Bangalore
  • Hyderabad
  • Mumbai
It may be noted that, the company has ISO 9001-2000, ISO 14001-2004 and OHAS 18001-1999 certifications under its belt. DCM Shriram Consolidated's Hariyali division has earned the “ACE-Best Customer Award” for its SAP retail package. The company's Kota complex has earned the much acclaimed “British Sword of Honour” for its safety standards. DSCL is also a leading equal opportunity Indian employer.

DCM Shriram Contact Company:
Corporate Office
DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd.
5th Floor, Kanchenjunga Building,
18 Barakhamba Road,
New Delhi - 110001
Phone: +91 11 23316801

Last Updated on 1/4/2012

Alphabetical List of Indian Companies