Bharat Nirman Plan

The Bharat Nirman Plan is a project undertaken by the Central Government of India in collaboration with the State Governments of the particular state and the Panchayat Raj Institutions of the particular rural area of that state. The project Bharat Nirman Plan is time confined and the main purpose of the project is the development of the rural infrastructure. The Bharat Nirman Plan has the objective of the all round development of the rural areas such as development of roads and systems of transportation under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, development of irrigation facilities, development of telecommunication, development of the rural water supply, construction of rural housing under Indira Awaas Yojana, etc.

Bharat Nirman Plan - Development of rural roads

The development of the rural transport infrastructure is an important factor for the growth of the rural business and economy. The project falls under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana and it is one of the major projects in the country. The total cost of the rural road project is about ` 1,74,000 crores and the main objective of this project is to promote the growth of the rural areas by the means of facilitating the provision of proper transportation facilities. The project covers all villages with population more than 1000 and hilly areas with population more than 500.

Bharat Nirman Plan - Telecommunication

The development of the telephone sector in the rural areas is an important factor for the growth of the rural business and economy. The project would also provide to the up gradation of the rural infrastructure. The project covers nearly 66,822 revenue-generating villages in India and all these villages would be provided with the Village Public Telephone (VPT) scheme. The telecommunication services in the remote villages would be provided by the means of digital satellite phone terminals. The Universal Services Obligation Fund (USOF) would provide with the financial assistance in form of the working cost and capital for the establishment of the village public telephone.

Bharat Nirman Plan - Rural Water Supply

The supply of drinking water is one of the most important infrastructures in the Bharat Nirman Plan. The availability of drinking water is one of the key factors in the sustenance of life. Proper supply of drinking water would bring down the diseases rate in the rural areas as in India most of the diseases are water borne. The lack of proper drinking water forces the rural populace to depend on the ponds, lakes, rivers, tube wells, wells and these water sources are highly contaminated due to certain agents of water pollution. The main responsibility of facilitating the provision of safe drinking water supply lies with the State Governments. The State Governments with the financial assistance of the Central Government of India has implemented the project called Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP).

Bharat Nirman Plan - Rural Housing

Housing and shelter is one of the basic needs of an individual. To the rural folks house carries a great importance, as it is the sign of dignified and secured life. The project aims at providing houses for every individual in the rural areas. Under the plan Indira Awaas Yojana nearly 60 lakh houses would be constructed in the rural sector by the government of India.

Bharat Nirman Plan - Electricity

The provision of electricity is another important factor for the growth of the rural areas. Under the Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran Yojana, the Ministry of Power would provide more than 1,25,000 villages with electricity. This project would also cover 230 lakh households more for the provision of electricity.

Bharat Nirman Plan - Irrigation

Irrigation is one of the major growth contributors to the Indian economy. As India is an agro based economy irrigation plays an important part in the development of agriculture. Under the Bharat Nirman Plan most of the under irrigated rural areas would have irrigation facilities by the means of extension of inundation canals, renovation, ground water development, and different water management procedures.

Last Updated on 19 May 2011