National Food for Work Programme

National Food for Work Programme (NFFWP) is a scheme under the Ministry of Rural Development, Central Government of India. The scheme is formulated to provide the 150 most backward districts of the country with supplementary resources other than the resources provided under the Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana.

The target group of the NFFWP scheme is the rural poor, requiring financial assistance by the means of wage employment. The scheme would provide wage employment to any individual willing to do manual unskilled labor. In general, the NFFWP scheme is self-targeting in nature.

National Food for Work Programme-Objectives :
  • To provide supplementary resources along with other aids to the rural poor of the backward districts
  • To provide supplementary wage employment to the poor rural populace of the backward districts
  • To provide security pertaining to food to the rural poor of the backward districts
  • To facilitate the creation of common economic and social assets for the rural areas
NFFWP-Target areas

The 150 backward districts where the project would be executed are acknowledged by the Planning Commission with the approval of the Ministry of Rural Development in India as the target areas under the scheme.

Funding Structure-NFFWP

  • The project would be executed as a 100% Centrally Sponsored Scheme
  • Under the scheme food grains would be supplied to the State Government at free of cost
  • The costs pertaining to the tax, duties, handling charges, transportation, would be incurred by the State Government
National Food for Work Programmed-Strategies

  • The Collector at the district level would be endowed with the power to plan, execute, organize, supervise and monitor the project
  • The District Rural Development Agency and the District Panchayat would aid the Collector in the project
  • The project would also focus on the areas of drought control, development of land, and water conservation by the mean of tree plantation and afforestation
  • The project includes the provision of rural connectivity by setting up weatherproof roads
  • The program would also formulate a five-year Perspective Plan pertaining to the districts, blocks, and gram panchayats.
  • The scheme would automatically include the resources pertaining to the any other Central or State sponsored scheme mentioned in the Perspective Plan
NFFWP-Distribution of food grains

  • The food grains are provided as a part of the daily wages
  • The distribution of the food grains is based on safe guarding the real wages and provides the rural poor with better, nutritional food
  • Food grains would be provided as part of wages at the rate of 5 Kg. per working day
  • Food grains exceeding 5 kg can be provided to special cases, and in such cases 25% of the wages are paid in cash
  • The State Government would incur the cost of the food grains at a flat BPL rate
  • The remaining part of the wages would be paid in cash in accordance to the minimum wages mentioned in the scheme
  • The food grains provided would be less than 5 kg per working day, when the availability of food grains is inadequate
  • In such a situation the deficit amount of food grains would be paid in case
National Food for Work Programmed- Distribution of Wages -

  • The wages in this scheme are paid in portions, in cash and kind, i.e. food grains
  • The wages paid to the skilled and unskilled labor should be in accordance to the minimum wages predetermined by the State Government
  • The wages paid should be equal for both men and women laborers
  • The payment of wages are should be made on a predetermined day of the week
  • The day of the payment of wages should be the day before the local market day

Last Updated on 19 May 2011