National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005

The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act - 2005 (NREGA-2005) is an enactment under the Ministry of Rural Development. The main purpose of this act is to improve the living conditions of the rural population and the sustenance of the same in the rural sector of India.

The improvement is made by the means of providing a minimum hundred working days pertaining to guarantee wage employment per year to any adult member volunteering for an unskilled manual work. The Central Council is endowed with the power to assess the different schemes formulated under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act - 2005. The Central Council may collect statistical information about the rural economy and the execution of the projects for development of the rural sector.


  • This Act is called as National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005.
  • The Act is applicable throughout India apart from the State of Jammu and Kashmir
  • The Act would be enforced by Central Government of India on the date notified in the Official Gazette by the same authority
  • The Act would be applicable to the entire territory where it is working for a period of five years since the inception of the Act

National Rural Employment Guarantee Act - 2005

Employment guarantee in the rural areas are as follows-

  • The State Government would provide hundred days of employment to all the households in the rural areas for every financial year under this Act.

  • Employment would be provided by the State Government to all adult individuals those who are willing to do unskilled manual labor for every financial year under this Act.

  • All laborers working under the scheme would receive wages both in cash and kind as daily wages.

  • The disbursal of daily wages would be made on the weekly basis and it can be extended to a maximum of two weeks.

  • Both the State Government and Central Government on the basis of their economic capabilities may facilitate the provisions for assuring work to all the adult members of every households under the Act.

Employment guarantee schemes and unemployment allowance are as follows-

The Ministry of Rural Development has introduced several employment schemes under this act such as -

  • Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY)
  • National Food for Work Programme (NFFWP)
  • Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)
NREGA-2005-Functions of Central Council

  • To set up a central monitoring and evaluation system
  • To advise the Central Government of India pertaining to the issues on the execution of the NREGA-2005
  • To inspect the monitoring mechanism and suggest necessary improvements
  • To promote the most extensive distribution of information about the schemes pertaining to this Act
  • To monitor the execution of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act - 2005
  • To prepare the annual reports to be presented in the Parliament by the Ministry under the Central Government pertaining to the execution of this Act
  • To perform any other kind of functions and duties which is assigned by the Central Government on India

Last Updated on 19 May 2011