Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) was introduced in the year 2000. The main objective of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana is to facilitate the provision transportation by the means of well-paved weatherproof roads with the purpose of connecting all the rural areas with more than 500 individuals. Around 1,60,000 such rural areas would be covered under this project at an estimated cost of ` 60,000 crore.
This project is totally financed by the Central Government of India. The Central Government is also endowed with the responsibility of formulating the policies for the smooth functioning of the projects. The project guidelines and the provisions by the Government of India would ensure the better planning, better methods of implementation, better quality measures, completion of project within time, execution of project in accordance with the plan, proper clearances for the execution of road work from the authorities concerned, and so forth.
The rural transportation system in India is one of the major factors for the development of rural areas, which would in turn promote the rural economy and commercial trade. The increase in the economic activities in the rural areas would ensure the generation of employment and increase in the income level of the rural populace, which would uplift their living standards, etc. The increase in the income would mainly be in the agricultural sector, which would contribute sumptuously to the growth of the Indian Economy. The main aim of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana is the reduction of poverty by the means of providing infrastructure facilities. Around 40% of the total rural areas are yet to be provided with the facilities of proper transportation system.
In order to end this problem forever the Central Government of India has designed the project called Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana to provide proper weatherproof roads in the rural areas. The project is fully sponsored by the Central Government of India. The reserve funds for this project are allocated as 50% of the high-speed diesel cess.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana - Objectives
Last Updated on 19 May 2011
This project is totally financed by the Central Government of India. The Central Government is also endowed with the responsibility of formulating the policies for the smooth functioning of the projects. The project guidelines and the provisions by the Government of India would ensure the better planning, better methods of implementation, better quality measures, completion of project within time, execution of project in accordance with the plan, proper clearances for the execution of road work from the authorities concerned, and so forth.
The rural transportation system in India is one of the major factors for the development of rural areas, which would in turn promote the rural economy and commercial trade. The increase in the economic activities in the rural areas would ensure the generation of employment and increase in the income level of the rural populace, which would uplift their living standards, etc. The increase in the income would mainly be in the agricultural sector, which would contribute sumptuously to the growth of the Indian Economy. The main aim of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana is the reduction of poverty by the means of providing infrastructure facilities. Around 40% of the total rural areas are yet to be provided with the facilities of proper transportation system.
In order to end this problem forever the Central Government of India has designed the project called Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana to provide proper weatherproof roads in the rural areas. The project is fully sponsored by the Central Government of India. The reserve funds for this project are allocated as 50% of the high-speed diesel cess.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana - Objectives
- The main objective of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana is to provide connection by the means of paved weatherproof roads with the required cross-drainage, culverts and causeways to the rural places that are yet to be connected. Under this project all places with the population of more than 1000 will be connected by the means of proper roads and the time period of the project is three years. For the rural places with the population of 500 and above the time period of the project is the end of the Tenth Plan in the year 2007. The rural areas with 250 individuals as the population such as the desert areas, hilly states of Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttaranchal, Northeast, Himachal Pradesh, tribal areas designated under Schedule V would also be covered by the project.
- The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana would allow the improvement of the present roads in the districts where the roads are far below standard in accordance with the prescribed criterion .The process of improvement is not the chief aspect of the project so more than 20% of the fund allocated to the state cannot be used for the purpose of improvement if the main function of construction still remains unfinished.
Last Updated on 19 May 2011