Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam
Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam has been started by the state government in order to boost the economic condition of the rural people in the state. RBH in Assam is a Public Private Panchayat Partnership (PPPP) initiative that is being taken up in the rural areas of the state.
The aim of Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam is to improve the resources available in the rural areas of the state and to manufacture goods so as to enable access to bigger markets.
The Initiative of Rural Business Hub in Assam includes a group of entrepreneurs that comprises of artisans and farmers working together under the leadership of a block panchayat, which tries to uplift their products value. Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam also includes companies who are members of CII who set up their industries in the rural areas of the state according to local skills and local communities. This helps in setting up direct link between the industry and the economy of the rural areas.
The main objectives of Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam are to encourage people in the rural areas to use their skills in the production of goods. Further the main objectives of Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam are to involve the industry in the rural areas of the state in order to manufacture goods of such standards and quality that are acceptable in the international and national markets. Also the main objectives of the Initiative of Rural Business Hub in Assam are that it would provide the industry with a mechanism through which it will be able to directly procure agricultural products from the farmers. This will prove beneficial for farmers for with the absence of middlemen they will get the proper amount for their goods. This will also prove beneficial for the industry for they will obtain quality and standardized products and at the same time save on procurement costs. Thus as seen if the Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam is able to fulfill all its objectives then it will lead to the all round development of the rural areas of the state.
The CII member companies in Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam are helping in the infrastructure development of the rural areas in the state. Setting up soil testing laboratories, R&D centers, cold storage facilities, tissue culture units, model farms and demonstration gardens, and vermi-composting units is doing this. This development of infrastructure has greatly helped the rural people in Assam for the quality of their products has improved. This in its turn has helped the rural people to get more value for their products. As the earning of the people in the rural areas of Assam has increased it has given a major boost to the economy of the state.
Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam received a major boost from the fact that it has received more than 50 MoUs from companies that are interested in setting up factories in the rural areas of the state. The state government in an attempt to further boost the Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam has set up the Rural Business Council.
Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam thus has helped in accelerating the economic development of the rural areas of the state. This in its turn has uplifted the living standard of the rural people. The government of the state must continue with its efforts to boost the Initiative of Rural Business Hub in Assam. For this will greatly help in the all round development of the rural areas in Assam.
To get more details on the operations of the Rural Business Hub in Assam, contact details as follows-
Ms Nandinee Kalita
Head, Assam State Office
Confederation of Indian Industry
"Ratnapeeth", 59, M.G. Road
Uzanbazar, Guwahati -- 781 001
Tel: +91 361 2662476
Fax: +91 361 2662476
Email: [email protected]
last Updated 25/05/2011
The aim of Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam is to improve the resources available in the rural areas of the state and to manufacture goods so as to enable access to bigger markets.
The Initiative of Rural Business Hub in Assam includes a group of entrepreneurs that comprises of artisans and farmers working together under the leadership of a block panchayat, which tries to uplift their products value. Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam also includes companies who are members of CII who set up their industries in the rural areas of the state according to local skills and local communities. This helps in setting up direct link between the industry and the economy of the rural areas.
The main objectives of Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam are to encourage people in the rural areas to use their skills in the production of goods. Further the main objectives of Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam are to involve the industry in the rural areas of the state in order to manufacture goods of such standards and quality that are acceptable in the international and national markets. Also the main objectives of the Initiative of Rural Business Hub in Assam are that it would provide the industry with a mechanism through which it will be able to directly procure agricultural products from the farmers. This will prove beneficial for farmers for with the absence of middlemen they will get the proper amount for their goods. This will also prove beneficial for the industry for they will obtain quality and standardized products and at the same time save on procurement costs. Thus as seen if the Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam is able to fulfill all its objectives then it will lead to the all round development of the rural areas of the state.
The CII member companies in Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam are helping in the infrastructure development of the rural areas in the state. Setting up soil testing laboratories, R&D centers, cold storage facilities, tissue culture units, model farms and demonstration gardens, and vermi-composting units is doing this. This development of infrastructure has greatly helped the rural people in Assam for the quality of their products has improved. This in its turn has helped the rural people to get more value for their products. As the earning of the people in the rural areas of Assam has increased it has given a major boost to the economy of the state.
Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam received a major boost from the fact that it has received more than 50 MoUs from companies that are interested in setting up factories in the rural areas of the state. The state government in an attempt to further boost the Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam has set up the Rural Business Council.
Rural Business Hub Initiative in Assam thus has helped in accelerating the economic development of the rural areas of the state. This in its turn has uplifted the living standard of the rural people. The government of the state must continue with its efforts to boost the Initiative of Rural Business Hub in Assam. For this will greatly help in the all round development of the rural areas in Assam.
To get more details on the operations of the Rural Business Hub in Assam, contact details as follows-
Ms Nandinee Kalita
Head, Assam State Office
Confederation of Indian Industry
"Ratnapeeth", 59, M.G. Road
Uzanbazar, Guwahati -- 781 001
Tel: +91 361 2662476
Fax: +91 361 2662476
Email: [email protected]
last Updated 25/05/2011