Rural Business Hub Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir

Rural Business Hub Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir has been set up under the initiative of Ministry of Panchayati Raj and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). RBH in Jammu and Kashmir has been established so that it can bring about an all around development of the rural areas of the state.

The Initiative of Rural Business Hub in Jammu and Kashmir is based on the unique concept of Public Private Panchayat Partnership (PPPP). This concept is based on the Thai model One- Tambon- One Product (OTOP).

The various objectives of Rural Business Hub Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir are to encourage the companies to set up their industries in the rural areas of the state. RBH in Jammu and Kashmir wants to improve the resources that are available in the rural areas of the state. It also wants to involve the industry in the rural areas of the state so that the goods that are manufactured are of such standard and quality that they are nationally as well as internationally accepted.

Rural Business Hub Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir objectives includes the setting up of direct link between the industry and the rural economy of the state and also to provide the industry with such a mechanism through which it can directly procure agricultural products from the rural people of the state. There were many limitations in the rural areas of Jammu and Kashmir such as stagnation of the traditional skills due to lack of any fresh inputs on raw material, design, marketing support, product diversification, and new technologies. All this contributed to the poor economy of the rural areas of Jammu and Kashmir. Rural Business Hub Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir did away with all these evils and thus helped in bringing about the all round development of the rural areas of the state.

Rural Business Hub Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir does not limit its efforts to only the agricultural sector. It looks after the welfare of various other sectors like handicrafts, garments and handloom, micro finance, poultry farming, food processing, bio- fuels, and aquaculture produce. The various advantages of Rural Business Hub Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir are that it has helped to bring in many industries in the rural areas of the state. This has provided employment opportunities to many rural people in the state, which in its turn has improved their economic condition. Further the industries have brought with them the latest technology, agricultural inputs, skill and training development, value addition, quality and standard enhancing measures, good farming practices, and marketing and branding. This has helped the rural people of Jammu and Kashmir to increase their income level due to improved yields, development of entrepreneurship, low cost of transportation, and better quality. All this shows the various advantages brought about by the Rural Business Hubs in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Rural Business Hub Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir has helped in developing the rural areas of the state. The Initiative of Rural Business Hub in Jammu and Kashmir must continue this way so that the condition of the rural people in the state improves even more.

last Updated 25/05/2011