Rural Business Hub Initiative in Rajasthan

Rural Business Hub Initiative in Rajasthan has been established under the initiative of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). The mission of Rural Business Hub Initiative in Rajasthan is to bring about the development of the rural areas of the state.

RBH in Rajasthan is based on the unique concept of Public Private Panchayat Partnership (PPPP). It is also based on the Thai model One- Tambon- One Product (OTOP). The various members of Rural Business Hub Initiative in Rajasthan are:

  • Chief Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
  • Chairman, CII - Rajasthan Council
  • Secretary, Forest
  • Secretary, Small Scale Industry
  • Secretary, Agriculture
  • Secretary, Rural Development
  • Secretary, Industry
  • Director, Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj Institution
  • Director, Aravali
Rural Business Hub Initiative in Rajasthan looks after the well being of not only the agricultural sector but also various other productive sectors in the rural areas of the state. The various sectors looked after by the Rural Business Hub Initiative in Rajasthan are:
  • Leather
  • Stone work
  • Blue pottery
  • Bhandhani
  • Wool
  • Chillies
  • Awla
  • Isabgol
The objective of Rural Business Hub Initiative in Rajasthan is to set up direct contact between the rural economy and the industry. Further its objectives are to involve the industry to refine the quality of the resources that are available locally and also to produce such goods that they are acceptable both in the national and international markets. Also the objectives of the Initiative of the Rural Business Hub in Rajasthan are to set up a mechanism through which the industry would be able to directly procure agricultural products from the rural people. This would prove beneficial for both the rural people and the industry. For the rural people would get more returns for their products due to the absence of the middle men and the industry would benefit for they would get high quality goods in low procurement costs. Rural Business Hub Initiative in Rajasthan objectives includes working along with the government of the state in order to develop the rural areas of the state.

The various advantages of Rural Business Hub Initiative in Rajasthan are that it has helped in generating employment opportunities for the rural people by bringing in many industries into the rural areas of the state. This has helped the rural people including the women to become economically independent. Further the various advantages of the Initiative of Rural Business Hub in Rajasthan are that it has modernized the infrastructure of the rural areas of the state by setting up tissue testing laboratories, soil testing units, R&D centers, model farms, cold storage facilities, and biocontrol laboratories. The industries that have been set up in the rural areas of the state have brought with them the latest technology, marketing and branding, good farming practices, skill and training development, and agricultural inputs. All this has proved to be advantageous for the rural people in the state of Rajasthan as this has resulted in their increased income due to improved quality, better production, low transportation costs, and entrepreneurship development.

Rural Business Hub Initiative in Rajasthan thus has made several efforts in order to improve the condition of the rural people in the state. The initiative taken by the Rural Business Hub in Rajasthan must continue this way for only then will the rural areas of the state be fully developed.

To get more information on the operations of Rural Business Hub in Rajasthan, the contact details are as follows:

Mr Nitin Gupta
Head - Rajasthan State Office
Confederation of Indian Industry
D 24, Subash Marg 1st Floor
Jaipur 302 001

Tel: +91 141 2370349 / 2365844
Fax: +91 141 5118389
Email: [email protected]

last Updated 25/05/2011